Nike +

yeah, i could do a search but i am too lazy and have a butt ton of laundry to do.

im on Week 4 of C25K.

when (not if) i finish i am going to reward myself with new sneaks and wanted to hear from people who are actively using the nike + program ; what it is you like, dont like about it; the ease of use; the extra perks you didnt expect; what's not worth it; what is worth know, the whole gamut.

thanks loves for all the input. god, doesnt that laundry room ever shut the hell up?



  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    its good !

    but i use Runkeeper

    runs off your GPS on your iphone, or BB or Android an you can log walks, runs, biking, loads of different ones. works much the same as the nike plus
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I use it all the time... works great and lets you track your workouts over time. Just it does not work on the elliptical or stairmaster... works great outdoors or on the treadmill though
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I love my NIKE+ but ever since i got a good HRM, I don't use it nearly as much. (It doesn't work for things like zumba, elliptical etc.)
    I liked hearing various celebrities telling me how awesome I was though :)

    You don't need NIKE shoes to use it either.... you can get a little velcro pouch and attach it to any shoe --
  • KevinPMajka
    I use Runkeeper free and easy!
  • ladycomix
    I love my NIKE+ but ever since i got a good HRM, I don't use it nearly as much. (It doesn't work for things like zumba, elliptical etc.)
    I liked hearing various celebrities telling me how awesome I was though :)

    You don't need NIKE shoes to use it either.... you can get a little velcro pouch and attach it to any shoe --

    this. I loved my Nike plus, and will still use it in addition to my HRM when I run outside. I love their graphs of my workout as well..

    I'd only be careful if you live in someplace hot and steamy. When I was in North Carolina the display fogged up like crazy due to humidity. (They my have fixed that problem in the newer model though)
  • aimeekitty84
    aimeekitty84 Posts: 6 Member
    I've used nike+ for well over a year now and i love seeing my progress. I also got the polar wearlink HRM which also links up to my nike+ wristwatch (i hate ipods) and so i can monitor my heart rate for any exercise and get a more accurate calorie count.

    check out the website
  • NashvilleShelley
    I LOVE mine! I have logged over 500 miles. I have given them to friends/family so we can track each other. You can also have it go to facebook and/or twitter if you want. I use it for walks outside and on the treadmill. The fun part for me is that it has graphs to chart your run(my case walk), at the end of the year it gives you a report on how you did, you can set goals, and my favorite is every so many miles your color on the chart changes. Just stupid stuff but it's fun!
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    awesome...thanks guys...will revisit this when im ready to purchase something...
  • megan_mp
    I use RunKeeper also combined with a HRM to figure out calories burned. Endomondo is good too. My hubs had the Nike+ and it was a pain to calibrate his stride, so he never thought it was accurate for him.
  • Ireshgurl
    I use NIke+ and so does the hubby. I walk (as of right now) and it still works really well. keeps track of each individual run and route and all runs together; shows you where you ran the fastest and slowest; tells you when your about to pass your personal best; get to hear cheers if you want, loads up to FB or Twitter is using either. I have it on my iphone so i also get to listen to my music when i'm going for my walk. You can also do a challenge, outrun your friends if you have friends who have it. I hate walking (find it boring) but this motivates me (and every1 on here, lol) to go farther and faster.
  • sarahkbarnes
    I've been using Nike+ for about three years now, first the chip, now the iphone app. I'm generally happy with it, especially since moving to the iphone version which has GPS and is more accurate as a result. There are occasional bugs, but they seem to fix them with the app updates. The actually Nike+ website is a bit annoying though; very slow and I've never been able to upload a photo to my profile for some reason. I do REALLY like all the graphs and charts and stats available and I've enjoyed keeping track of my progress. Have contemplated a switch to Runkeeper, but I would hate to lose the 1600km I've logged on Nike+!!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Works alright, but isn't the most accurate system out there. For accuracy, I'll always defer to my Garmin Forerunner watch.

    For Convenience sake, the Nike + is a decent training tool for the money... especially if you use the online components. You place the sensor in the shoe and it detects each foot strike. This requires some callibration (basically you'd go run a known distance like a track). That being said, the Nike+ will never be 100% accurate. Peoples stride length changes over time and also adjusts according to your speed. For example: I can run a 5mph pace over a distance, and a 6 mph pace over the same distance and it will register different distances (but usually within 10%). (Case in point, I ran a Certified Half Marathon yesterday... 13.1 miles... the Nike+ registered it as 12.4.)

    Still a good tool for the money though. Hope this helps!

    Happy Running!
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I just got an iPhone yesterday & the app was on it. I've not yet used it but it looks interesting.
  • Camarasaurus145
    Hey Mama - I use runkeeper too. I LOVE the program. Especially since you can choose what type of workout you're doing - cycling, running, hiking, ect... I feel like its pretty darn accurate since its running off the GPS. And, even better, its free. I'm using this currently with my C25K, you can program in intervals, which works GREAT with the program. Check it out!