Low carb and medications

I've been trying low carb, but I'm having trouble with my medications. I have to take them with food or else I become light headed, dizzy, double vision, etc. When I eat something like a sandwich and apple, I can take them with no effects. I've been doing basic things since I'm just starting out: lunch meat or grilled chicken, hard boiled eggs, cheese stick, salad with veggies.



  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Weight loss is caused by being in a calorie deficit. You can eat carbs and still lose weight. Is there a reason you are following a low carb diet?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I've been trying low carb, but I'm having trouble with my medications. I have to take them with food or else I become light headed, dizzy, double vision, etc. When I eat something like a sandwich and apple, I can take them with no effects. I've been doing basic things since I'm just starting out: lunch meat or grilled chicken, hard boiled eggs, cheese stick, salad with veggies.


    All of those things should be fine. Try them and see how they work.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    Thoughts are, that if you're experiencing ill effects when you take your medication without carbs, eat some carbs with your meal. Trial and error may determine that carbs aren't the issue and you just need to eat more volume of food when you take your medication. Try a bigger plate of salad items and a larger portion of protein and see if that's OK.

    However, as harper16 asks, is there a reason why you're trying low carb? Do you plan to do that for the rest of your life, once you've lost weight and reached your goal? You don't have to do low carb to lose weight, you just need to be in a calorie deficit. How you create that deficit is up to you but you don't have to cut anything out. I lowered the number of carbsI eat, but that's because I got diagnosed as diabetic. However, I still eat pasta, potatoes and rice - I just eat smaller portions of them than I previously piled on to my plate.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    edited July 2020
    How about a low carb food like cottage cheese with cucumber? Or Greek yogurt with some berries and nuts?