75 lb Before & After - with Video! Guy

Well everyone, I am back from my 50lb loss with an update now at 75 lbs lost! Figure I have to represent the guys since there are so few that post on here!

What a journey it has been. I have just 15 lbs to go until I reach goal of 185lbs (6'2")

I've put together a recap video of my journey with my weekly updates. I would love it if you took a look!

Click Link to Video (copy and paste)

Some pictures too:

Before: (Hopefully obviously!)


After: (Again, hopefully obviously! :-)

Just eating right and light exercise. Went from a 46" pant down to a 34". From a XXL shirt to a Medium.

Blood pressure from ~180/95 down to ~123/70, Resting heart rate 95bpm down to 50 bpm.

If I can share any advice or answer any questions that may help you on your journey, do no hesitate to post here or message me privately.

Added Info from inquiries below:

This journey captures January through September of this year. So 9 months. Averaged 2lbs per week of loss so that is slow and safe.

I really don't follow any routine, routines tend to mess me up. I try to stick to my calorie goal but if I am hungry, I eat. There is nothing I forbid, but I try to stick to healthy items. My friend gave me the best, simple advice. "If it has a barcode, avoid it, if you must, make sure it has no more than 5 ingredients". I find this keeps the processing and junk levels down.

My main staples are fish (salmon, tuna, trout, halibut), chicken (boneless skinless), cow once every two weeks or so (whenever in the mood), lots and lots of veggies and fruit. I try new foods and flavors all the time to keep things different (tons and tons of spices from Cost Plus World Market).

I use my George Foreman grill like it is going out of style...the thing is running 24/7!

I find alternatives for my favorites that cut down the calories. Instead of a bagel and cream cheese which is like 500 calories, I'll do a bagel thin, laughing cow cheese, and fresh fruit on top, this is about 150 calories and seriously just as good.


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