Not budging!

I have been running/walking and doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred for over a month now and I have not lost a pound! I have been doing really well with my food and only eating 1200 Calories a day, give or take. If I am under I'm not way under and if I go over it's not too far over. I'm getting a bit frustrated. I try to change up my routine and not eat exactly the same foods everyday. I feel like I am doing everything right, but nothing is happening. I'm really hoping one of these weeks I will hop on the scale and see a big drop, heck I would take one pound. I am 5'1 and have about 50lbs to lose.


  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    Just keep at it! It will start to move. Are you taking measurements? Have those gone down any? Even if they haven't...I bet you are gaining muscle. I am guessing it's going to go down fast here soon for you. I was stuck at 150 for about a month, and then I lost 4 lbs in one week. It's frustrating when you are working so hard and nothing is showing for it, but keep up the good work! :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Where did you get this magic 1200 number? Most likely, you chose "2lb a week" as your goal...
    For most people, this is not realistic so might actually need to be eating more. Try changing your settings to 1/2 lb or 1lb a week and see what it says then. Use that number and then if you are a little under some days its not a big deal.

    Can't see your diary so can't comment on that part. are you drinking enough fluids?
    Are you eating more protein than carbs? Are most of your carbs from refined flour?
  • Caldwellsa24
    Caldwellsa24 Posts: 15 Member
    My doctor told me to vary the amount of calories i take in. For example one day eat 1600 and the next 1200? The way she simplified it for me was that it makes your metabolism work, otherwise it will adjust to what you do everyday and keep you status quo. I hope this helps. She also told me to cut out fruit juices or only drink the no sugar added juices.
  • megmariew1
    I chose the 2lb a week on MFP and it told me 1200. I drink alot of water throughout the day. I have a sports bottle with me all the time and refill often. I don't know exact ounces though. I mostly stick with protein. For example this morning I had a poached egg and a slice of whole wheat toast with strawberry jam. Then for lunch I just had grilled chicken breast with baby spinach, tomatoes, peppers with low fat dressing. That's all I have had so far today. Tonight I will do Level 2 of 30 DS. I'm not sure what else to do.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Yeah, without actually seeing your diary it's hard to comment. Sounds like you're doing too much though. Eat your exercise calories.
  • megmariew1
  • janette130
    janette130 Posts: 66 Member
    Your post sounds exactly like mine. I am also 5.2 and have 50 to lose. I have been doing this for 2 1/2 months and have only lost 5 pounds - given the day that I weigh. Every time I get on the scales, I lose the same 2 pounds over and over. I am also staying close to my 1200 sometimes going a little over and sometimes going a little under. One time I weighed in, I was so mad I threw the scales back in the closet thinking I couldn't do this anymore. Then composed myself and thought: what is the alternative? Gaining! I do an intense cardo workout 4 to 5 days a week and just started strength training two weeks ago. The scales lie :) I have noticed my clothes fit better and I don't feel so bloated. So... I suppose I am losing inches. Have you felt better? Do you clothes fit better?

    I am glad to see your post. I now know I'm not the only one with frustration. I do have a muscular build - so maybe I'm building muscle? Maybe you are too. I suppose with the little sucess I've had I can say "don't give up". Remember the alternative is to go back to what we were doing - GAINING :)
  • megmariew1
    Thanks for the replies...I opened up my diary, so go ahead and take a look. Ignore all the Moscato I drank last night, lol, it was a holiday afterall. Anyway, I do feel better, I have a lot more energy, I'm happier. I don't want to just sit on the couch all day or sleep all day anymore. I want to get up and move now. That's a huge difference for me. I don't really notice a difference in my clothing or anything though, I haven't taken measurements. Maybe I will now and see if there is a difference in a few weeks.

    I am by no means going to quit, I am in this for the long haul. I just was hoping to see some concrete results by now.