Getting upset

jerrybaker59 Posts: 6
When I started the gym which was 08/08/11 I weighed in at 232 as today 09/06/11, I weight 224. I lost 8 lbs. I am getting frustrated because I excerise 5 times a week about 2 hours a day. Shouldn't I be losing more weight. I just don't understand. I work hard and lose nothing. Any suggestions?:sad:


  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Have you been taking your measurements? How is your clothes fitting you? Do you notice any positive changes in your body, or the way your body reacts to certain activities? Are you also watching what you eat? I think there's alot of factors. I also haven't lost a whole lot of weight, but did lose a bunch of inches. Don't get discouraged!
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    Normal weigh loss is 1-2 pounds a week. You seem to be losing at a safe rate.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    So what you're saying is that you've lost 8 pounds over the course of a month? I think that's great!! That's 2 pounds per week!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    8 pounds in one month sounds like a good steady loss to me. You don't want to lose too much too fast!
  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    8 lb in one month! that's a lot!!! it is not recommended to loose more than 2 lb a week. Your body need to adapt. Plus if you exercise a lot, you may gain muscle, and get leaner rather than lighter.

    There is nothing to be upset you are doing great!!! keep it up.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    honestly 8 lbs. in about a month is a healthy loss. if you are strength training you could be building muscle, which will cause less of a loss on the scale. also, it could be what you are eating. it just depends there's tons of factors. you would need to give a little more information about exactly what you are doing, but i don't see an 8 lb. loss in a month as a bad thing. that's 2 lbs/week.
  • Normal weigh loss is 1-2 pounds a week. You seem to be losing at a safe rate.
    shes right, thats what ive been loosing about 1 to 2lbs a week going to the gym and eatting right.
  • You didn't lose nothing: you lost eight pounds. Eight pounds a month is two pounds a week, which experts recommend as the highest you should shoot for when losing weight the healthy way.

    Don't be impatient. You're doing really well, and you'll get there, but real life isn't The Biggest Loser. If you're devoting a sensible amount of time and attention to exercise and a healthy diet, you will see results, as you already have.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Eight pounds in a month is an awesome, healthy loss!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I wish I lost that much last month. You should take your measurements for sure though, because that's what really makes the difference. Your body can go up and down 3-4 lbs because of water retention and what-not. Keep up what you're doing because it is making a difference!
  • Yeah, 2 lbs a week is FANTASTIC weight loss!!! Pat yourself on the back, give yourself a great big hug, high five the nearest person and scream out YIPPEEE!! :-)
    You are doing great!
  • That is amazing! Congrats on your hard work! I try to keep in mind that I didn't gain all the weight in a couple of months, and so I am happy with every single pound that goes away, regardless if it took a week, or a month to lose. Good luck!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    As everyone said, 8 lbs is great. I have not lost that much, but close and now am at 7 months in or so. It really adds up!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Remember- weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. A bad meal can undo a two hour workout any day of the week (calorie wise).
  • That's a great rate of loss! I haven't lost much weight since I started here, but have lost inches, as my clothes are getting a lot looser. Keep up the good, healthy lifestyle.
  • 8lbs in one month is pretty amazing!!! I am envious of your weight loss... You should be giving yourself a pat on the back!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You're doing great!! Eight whole pounds is not "nothing"!!

    Take a deep breath, relax and keep reminding yourself that this is not a race or a contest. A healthy (important word, that) rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week and you are right on target. Some weeks you're going to lose a lot, some you're going to stay the same and some you might even gain (water gain from time of the month, too much sodium, hard workout, etc). Just keep plugging and STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! :smile:
  • You started around the same time as I did and as of today I've lost 9.6lbs. I have some, um, girly issues happening up in here which kept me in the same spot for two straight weeks, but 8lbs in roughly a month is probably about right. Check to see if you've slimmed down any, change things up a bit (like, maybe not going every single day or trying something new you haven't tried yet, like a class) and remember that you could also be building muscle.

    I know it's frustrating, especially with all of the hard work you've been putting in, but 8lbs is awesome! Try not to focus so much on the scale (easier said than done, I know!) and focus on the fact that you're not just working on changing the outside, but your inside too (heart, cholesterol levels, circulation, and other organ functions). Also, remember that you're doing this the right way. Not trying crazy crash diets or cleanses, which means you're more likely to keep it off!

    And now I will stop blowing sunshine up your butt! :wink:
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    Remember- weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. A bad meal can undo a two hour workout any day of the week (calorie wise).

    This. But either way 8 lbs in a month is great like everyone else is saying!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    1-2 pounds a week is a HEALTHY weightloss. You shouldn't be losing more than that a week. Are you eating atleast 1200 calories a day? Your body needs to fueled properly also. Since your exercing 2 hrs. a day you may need to eat more than 1200. also another factor is you may also be gaining muscle. It is NOT gonna take a day or two to come off. You have the rest of your life to make CHANGE. Don't give up, it will happen.
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