Uneven breast during losing weight

I have always had uneven breasts slightly but recently after losing 7 kgs they look more asymetrical one is bigger theb the other actually my whole right side is biggeri am left handed could someone please tell me if it happened to them and if it evened out eventually???


  • Alphabeta11
    Alphabeta11 Posts: 4 Member
    Please anyone i dont want to exercise any more because iam afraid that i will keep losing weight from one side only
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    Everyone has one bigger than the other. I promise, you've always had one bigger than the other.

    The thing about this crazy weight loss journey is that we become hyper aware of our bodies. You may not have noticed the difference in size before, but you're noticing now. That doesn't mean the difference is obvious or unusual, just that you're really seeing it now.

    If you're still wearing bras (it's lockdown - is anyone really?) there are some styles that are better than others for making that difference in size less obvious. Moulded cups for example are a bit unforgiving, whereas stretchy lace will make you look more even.

    Remember to check your breasts every month for changes, but if one is just a bit bigger than the other and you can't feel any lumps or tenderness, there's nothing to worry about.

    Oh, and congratulations on that 7kg weight loss. Really nice work.

    It's a shame we can't decide exactly where the weight will come off and make sure everything is perfectly even, but it's still all good. Don't let this put you off achieving your goals.
  • Alphabeta11
    Alphabeta11 Posts: 4 Member
    Thankyou so much for your replies i know its normal but its just really frustrating but i will try not to think about it that much and continue with my weight loss 💞💞💞
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I was hesitant to enter this thread but while I was losing weight for about 2 months I had one hand noticeably larger than the other. The roaming fat suction machine eventually traveled to the larger hand and symmetry was restored.

    Weight loss, especially as much as I have lost, has been a odd transformation. You would think it would be symmetrical or that your biggest areas would be reduced first but it does not happen that way. It has been hugely rewarding to lose so much but it has not been without frustration. I was, at times, mildly cartoonish in appearance.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    This is pretty common. My lefty is hefty... righty? Not so much.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,847 Member
    My left hangs more. There's just less tissue inside. I guess everyone has two completely different breasts. Nothing unusual, really.
  • Alphabeta11
    Alphabeta11 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2020
    Thanks girls i was going crazy imagining how i would look with 1 flat boob 🤣🤣🤣 not a pretty sight i tell you
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Perfectly normal.
    For me before, and after losing weight. Particularly noticeable in bra cup overflow and filling just right.
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    My boobs were drastically different at one point, but they seem to have evened out over the last couple months. I’m still getting new ones later though 😂
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    @brittneyalley I got new ones and love it lol!
    I was itty bitty before and now I’m proportionate.
    Wish I had done it sooner.
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member

    Talan79 wrote: »
    @brittneyalley I got new ones and love it lol!
    I was itty bitty before and now I’m proportionate.
    Wish I had done it sooner.

    That’s so awesome to hear! I can’t wait! That’ll (along with tummy tuck) be my present to myself once I hit goal weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    If you're very uneven but a bra-wearer, I hope you realize that there are bra inserts you can use to potentially even things out visually, if it really bothers you. Sometimes you can find these in regular stores (usually sold in pairs as an augmentation aid), but it's also possible to get them in varying shapes and sizes from specialty stores that serve women who've had lumpectomies for breast cancer, since that also makes some women uneven (unevenly uneven, if you know what I mean - like divots).

    This is a high-priced brand, and there are ones available from other materials that are probably lower in price, but I'm sharing this link just as an example, not as a singular recommendation.


    (It does happen to be the brand of the full prostheses I use when I want to wear fitted dress-up clothes. Most of the time, since I had bilateral mastectomies without reconstruction, I just go around flat, as there isn't a problem with unbalance causing back problems or the like.)

    I will say that IMO the silicone materials are surprisingly natural-feeling in a bra, and I don't find them hot or annoying. One of the reasons I went this route was that they don't feel weird or abnormal to me if I cross my arms over my chest or something - easy to ignore them. Others will not know if they hug you or whatever.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    When I started breastfeeding my first (and I was overweight) my breasts ballooned up, they were massive. As big as a 32N during my full-time breastfeeding days. The right one was bigger but like one size.

    I lost weight, still breastfeeding. The right one is at least two sizes bigger than the left. They are so different. I buy bras to fit the right one and wear inserts in the left.

    Actually, it's changed a little. Now the inserts make the left look a wee bit bigger. So maybe they are evening out.

    I'm weaning the baby soon, this will be the first time not breastfeeding in over 7 years. I really hope the left one deflates a little. I can do the deflated, tennis ball in a sock thing. I am tired of the major asymmetry. I will have to buy smaller inserts though, the ones I am using are the Target "clothing helper" type in size C/D - with water/oil - I need the weight, foam inserts didn't sit the same way. I might have to buy A/B ones.