Help getting out of a workout rut!!

gotothegym Posts: 2
I've already lost 27 pounds since May, and had amazing, long workouts at the gym every day that I was losing. But for almost 4 weeks now, I've had bad workouts and been stuck at the same weight (I have about 10 more pounds to lose), and I know it's because of my crappy workouts. I get bored and tired and leave the gym after like 20 mins. Or after I have a good workout late at night, I'll eat back all the calories I burned instead of just going to bed like I normally did. I'm TERRIFIED after successfully losing weight that I'm slipping back into my old ways! :( Any advice for fellow friends in the work out rut?? Thanks!


  • I know exactly how you feel i lost 40 kgs then got pregnant talk about unfair haha Getting fit is a state of mind you need to get yourself out of that frame of mind where you feel like you have no control over your eating habits. As for working out, the only way to push yourself into the enthusiatic fitness zone is to just DO IT.

    Remember every time you go to eat something you KNOW you shouldnt eat, that if you do you may as well have gone back and not done any of the training youve already achieved. I find that if i work out and then go to eat something inappropriate i think "I did all that hard annoying exercise for nothing if i eat this" which usually helps. then think about all the times you got into it for a week and then did nothing for a week. think about if you could take out all the times you gave up and had of kept going youd already be at your goal. dont get complacent or your just wasting your time going around in circles.

    You CAN do this, you just need to MAKE yourself do it. working out seems boring but once youve finished, i promise you will love yourself 10 times more then if you half-*kitten* it. keep at it, you can do this. you know you can.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Change up the routine, and maybe try a different type of exercise, or do a class at the gym. Ride a bike, start running, or swimming, kayaking, take the exercise outside, start lifting weights, walk to work, go walk around the local mall, stay away from your kitchen by going shopping. Change up, change up.
  • tgosney
    tgosney Posts: 9 Member
    Just keep going because it is a habit you have formed. Maybe you should look into some different types of workouts to do to keep your interest. I love to mix cardio with yoga and pilates classes. Also, the core strength and boot camp type of classes are fun to me too. I don't know your interests and what you've already been doing so it is really hard to suggest. If you have a way to get outside to do other things for a workout may help too. Change of scenery or change of workout type.

    Hang in there and keep up the good habits regardless. We all hit ruts, but you just need the traction to get out of it. :-)

  • Thank you everyone. I feel like a completely different, lazy person lately. You would never guess that as of 3 weeks ago I had crazy strenuous, long hard work outs! I need to do that again.
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