2nd time around!

Hi everyone, I previously was on Keto for 6 weeks but then I developed kidney stones. I'm currently testing and awaiting the cause but I'm super discouraged because the first time I tried keto a year ago, my cholesterol levels sky rocketed. I'm 44, recently divorced, teenage kids, and I just really needed this to work. Any advice on what I'm possibly doing wrong with this Keto life.


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    You don't have to follow keto to lose weight. Weight loss is caused by being in a calorie deficit. Stop doing keto and count calories.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    ^^ cosign. Maybe don't do keto? 🤷🏿‍♀️

    There are many ways to eat so you lose weight. One of the reasons I like MFP is, unlike many mainstream diets, there's room for culturally-relevant foods...provided I eat within my specified caloric limits for the day/week.

    Oxtail? Peas and rice? Roti? Souse? And then nori? Eel nigiri and sundry sushi? Lamb dumplings? I can eat all of that 😋

    Yet, if following a diet - with specific rules - is your thing @iwin2018 then talk to your doctor about one less likely to contribute to a repeat of the kind of adverse effects you've already experienced.

    Best of health to you!
  • iwin2018
    iwin2018 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you both for your insight!
  • bondservant75
    bondservant75 Posts: 3 Member
    When doing keto, there are two approaches. I did “junk” keto and my cholesterol did go up. Junk keto is eating a lot of red meats, butter, cheese, bacon, etc. it’s low carb but not exactly healthy.

    However, if u do something more like a Mediterranean diet, it should go down because you are eating more lean meats and mono-saturated fat (like olive oil). Ultimately though, it’s all about calorie deficit (like mentioned above). (The reason keto often works is because the higher fat content makes you feel full so you in turn eat less, which gives you the calorie deficit).

    Hope that helps!