Extremely Ashamed of Myself

Before I go on with the pity party, if you want to skip that part of this post just skip to the last paragraph.

I am ashamed of how far I've fallen and I can't seem to get my "mojo" back. Three years ago, I had a success story turn failure very quick.

The good: Up to that point I has been working on myself and went from 330 to 210 for two or so years. I was active in CrossFit and enjoying thise benefits of a healthy life vs what I'm suffering through now with typical obesity problems.

The bad: I was in a bad state of mind. Despite the huge success I was already achieving, it wasn't goal weight and I was stuck on a plateaue. I was in a soul crushing corporate job I hated. I was going trough Chapter 7 bankruptcy. With my new found confidence I tried my luck with dating but women still wanted nothing to do with me. After asking strangers online (you ask friends and family, they will always be supportive and I wanted a raw answer) I was told it didn't matter how much I'd lose that I was too ugly anyway. All of this was happening basically at once.

I got to a dark place where I was on the verge of finishing my shift one day and going home to kill myself. Thankfully I had the sense to drive to my doctor and tell them my intentions.

They put me on antidepressants and, at that time, it worked. But it also messed with my head. Made me feel like a "zombie". I felt like I was having some kind if lobotomy happening. Somehow in this haze I pulled through the bankruptcy and landed a job in a field I love, so much so I am looking to go back to college and get a degree in that field.

I've got the CrossFit subscription. I've got my old mealplans on here. But for the life of me I just can't start again. I desperately need to get back to it as I'm back in the 300's but I just... Can't. I don't know what to do. I know people in my life who hate me just for being fat again because I failed so hard. I'm not getting any younger and I'll only see more health problems in the future with obesity. But I just can't get myself in to it!


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Sometimes, words and emoticons are not enough. You know the way. Connection matters. Thanks for sharing your heart.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,524 Member
    Take heart. No human undertaking tracks on a straight line. Read this board regularly and you’ll see that your experience is not uncommon. What to do?

    Start again. But better. You don’t say but did you count calories and keep a food diary last time? It works. There’s a learning curve but there are big benefits.

    And in addition to weight loss there are mental benefits. The purpose of a food diary is to invent a process where the byproduct is weight loss. If you have control of the process the result you’re looking for is just a matter of time. Fact is that we live a physical universe that has certain limits. We can’t snap our fingers and magically be at goal weight. But having control of your process can be a big relief and very liberating.

    Another benefit I found is that when I was focused on the day to day of planning, number crunching, food prep, logging and problem solving I was distracted from the bothersome noise in my own head. Like I said, a big relief. Try full on food diary calorie counting. It works. Good luck.
  • vedrankatal4166
    vedrankatal4166 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey man, i ve sent u a friend request. I d love to help u eat foods that u ll like and still lose weight. I can also help with motivation and whatever u need to help u through. It would be my honor. DM me for anything and we can take it from there. Nothing is impossible!
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    My friend, I felt so much sympathy when I read your post. Life is not a flat, easy journey. There are so many ups and downs that sometimes a person just wants to jump off of it. But you are still here, and that I think that is brave and positive. Keep on fighting. Fighting is different for everyone. For me, fighting has looked different at different points in my life. Right now, it's to really work on self love and honoring my body and limits, to reframe my state of mind, to reconsider what being successful means. May you find your light!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Baby steps - you do not have to be perfect at everything on day 1.

    Start logging your food/beverages. Without even making changes to how or how much you're eating. Get in the habit of tracking it. Then set MFP to lose 1 pound per week, which should give you a pretty generous calorie allotment, and make adjustments to your intake to fit that goal. I realize you could probably go for a bigger loss rate, but getting into the habit of a slight deficit will be less of an adjustment. Then after a few weeks of that, consider whether or not you want to change your calorie goal. And ultimately, look for ways to increase your activity/exercise.

    1. Logging everything (its about being accountable to yourself, not making changes)
    2. Set up MFP for 1 pound weight loss and stick to your calorie goal
    3. Increase exercise/activity gradually
    4. Adjust as needed

    Take as long as you need at each stage. A few days, a couple of weeks. You decide.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Thank you for sharing, it mustn't be easy to share your darkest thoughts.

    Everyone has given really amazing advice and support. But I'm hoping I could shed light on the antidepressants. (You didnt say if you still take them?) On the assumption you do, it could just be the one they gave you want the right one for you..

    I had postnatal depression and it was pretty horrific, it changed everything about me.
    The first antidepressant (SSRIs) they gave me was Sertraline, the highest dose, and it made no difference. So I went back and they gave me Citalopram, at the lowest dose, and they were too strong, they made me feel wired and i was jaw clenching constantly, went back again and got Fluoxetine and these worked completely fine. Like sorted me right out.
    But, when I finally got better after a few years, they started to make me feel a bit, numb, to everything, but i WANTED to feel things. And when you feel like that.. you're ready for weaning off, as long as your doctor agrees too!
    All the above medications are SSRIs but there's a different kind of antidepressant too, but im not sure what they're called, youre doctor would know.

    So if you're still struggling in that aspect, try your doctor to try a different tablet.
  • pharveywc
    pharveywc Posts: 1 Member
    As someone who never seemed successful at keeping weight off, I empathize so much. I put on some of the weight I had lost, thanks to being home more with the Covid 19 situation. Not quite motivated to lose it again, BUT I have the reminder that I WAS SUCCESSFUL BEFORE so I know I am capable again. Remind yourself of this and make one small change. Tracking what I eat (again) helps me to see how quickly I can add up those calories w/o thinking about it. It's an eye opener and it's a start. Start small and tell yourself you will and you can do this again.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Before I go on with the pity party, if you want to skip that part of this post just skip to the last paragraph.

    I am ashamed of how far I've fallen and I can't seem to get my "mojo" back. Three years ago, I had a success story turn failure very quick.

    The good: Up to that point I has been working on myself and went from 330 to 210 for two or so years. I was active in CrossFit and enjoying thise benefits of a healthy life vs what I'm suffering through now with typical obesity problems.

    The bad: I was in a bad state of mind. Despite the huge success I was already achieving, it wasn't goal weight and I was stuck on a plateaue. I was in a soul crushing corporate job I hated. I was going trough Chapter 7 bankruptcy. With my new found confidence I tried my luck with dating but women still wanted nothing to do with me. After asking strangers online (you ask friends and family, they will always be supportive and I wanted a raw answer) I was told it didn't matter how much I'd lose that I was too ugly anyway. All of this was happening basically at once.

    I got to a dark place where I was on the verge of finishing my shift one day and going home to kill myself. Thankfully I had the sense to drive to my doctor and tell them my intentions.

    They put me on antidepressants and, at that time, it worked. But it also messed with my head. Made me feel like a "zombie". I felt like I was having some kind if lobotomy happening. Somehow in this haze I pulled through the bankruptcy and landed a job in a field I love, so much so I am looking to go back to college and get a degree in that field.

    I've got the CrossFit subscription. I've got my old mealplans on here. But for the life of me I just can't start again. I desperately need to get back to it as I'm back in the 300's but I just... Can't. I don't know what to do. I know people in my life who hate me just for being fat again because I failed so hard. I'm not getting any younger and I'll only see more health problems in the future with obesity. But I just can't get myself in to it!

    Many MANY of us on here know exactly what it’s like to lose our mojo. It all goes fine until suddenly it doesn’t. And I know in my case I have absolutely no real excuses. You certainly do. So there’s absolutely nothing for you to be ashamed of. Frustrated, absolutely, but not ashamed.

    I see so much impressive in your post. You lost a bunch of weight (we all know that takes focus and commitment). You got fit. You had the grit to get through a bankruptcy and to find a job you love.

    I don’t know which strangers you asked online but I suspect your depression colored your version of the story that people told you that you’re too ugly for dating. Your profile pic (if it’s you) shows a perfectly normal looking person. Not disbelieving that one hateful person on the internet said something mean but I’m pretty sure you didn’t find a bunch of strangers who gave you that opinion. Neither your weight or your looks are a real barrier to finding love - your low self esteem may well be.

    Do people really hate you for getting fat? People who really care about you may hate that you have put on weight and your health is suffering but I am sure they don’t hate you. And anyone who does hate you would be pleased to see you fail.

    The trouble is all my arguments are logical and I know you might not be in a place where you’re ready to listen to logic right now.

    Be kind to yourself. I wish you well and hope you can value yourself enough to start making healthy changes.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Oh I wanted to add, I don't think you're ugly. But maybe usernames like "honkinballs" might not be doing you any favours lmao! (I mean this as a joke I hope you don't get offended lol)
  • anj32694
    anj32694 Posts: 35 Member
    edited July 2020
    I too struggle with self love and self confidence. I completely empathize with how you feel. It’s difficult to be motivated when you feel as though you’re not worth it.
    I decided to let myself feel whatever I was feeling, inside of pushing it away. I’ve been trying to focus on short term goals and just the single day ahead. I’ve been active on MFP for 30 days now, (this time), and I am feeling ok with my progress. I still have a long ways to go, but maybe the time it takes will allow me to also work on my mental health.
    Also. *kitten* other people and their shallow view of worth. This is for you, not them.

    *edited by a MFP volunteer moderator
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    What your family and friends said about not even trying because you are too ugly is terrible sad.
    Sometimes you have to block the opinions and comments of those around us to keep our mental health in check( I know it's easier said than done).

    But truth be told life will always happen but you always gotta push and have hope for tommorow.

    Every life is worth it. Even if we don't feel like we are living the life we want to live .Guess what you just have today. Make today wether you have what you crabe or not. Make today beautiful and happy so that tommorow you will look at your past with peace.
    I say it if you did it once you can do it again. And just because 1000 people rejected you does not mean 1001 will.
    God gave life. He gives Hope and.strenght.

    All the best! and someday you will be at a happy place.
  • AndreaMarie1236
    AndreaMarie1236 Posts: 69 Member
    Before I go on with the pity party, if you want to skip that part of this post just skip to the last paragraph.

    I am ashamed of how far I've fallen and I can't seem to get my "mojo" back. Three years ago, I had a success story turn failure very quick.

    The good: Up to that point I has been working on myself and went from 330 to 210 for two or so years. I was active in CrossFit and enjoying thise benefits of a healthy life vs what I'm suffering through now with typical obesity problems.

    The bad: I was in a bad state of mind. Despite the huge success I was already achieving, it wasn't goal weight and I was stuck on a plateaue. I was in a soul crushing corporate job I hated. I was going trough Chapter 7 bankruptcy. With my new found confidence I tried my luck with dating but women still wanted nothing to do with me. After asking strangers online (you ask friends and family, they will always be supportive and I wanted a raw answer) I was told it didn't matter how much I'd lose that I was too ugly anyway. All of this was happening basically at once.

    I got to a dark place where I was on the verge of finishing my shift one day and going home to kill myself. Thankfully I had the sense to drive to my doctor and tell them my intentions.

    They put me on antidepressants and, at that time, it worked. But it also messed with my head. Made me feel like a "zombie". I felt like I was having some kind if lobotomy happening. Somehow in this haze I pulled through the bankruptcy and landed a job in a field I love, so much so I am looking to go back to college and get a degree in that field.

    I've got the CrossFit subscription. I've got my old mealplans on here. But for the life of me I just can't start again. I desperately need to get back to it as I'm back in the 300's but I just... Can't. I don't know what to do. I know people in my life who hate me just for being fat again because I failed so hard. I'm not getting any younger and I'll only see more health problems in the future with obesity. But I just can't get myself in to it!

    I think you should be proud of yourself. You’re sharing the deepest parts of your soul and you’re reaching out for help. I think it’s a great start. Little steps daily create long term big differences. Reach out anytime you need to talk. You got this