Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm going to go for option 1! I am also adding weights to all of my exercises. WOOHOO! lets do this! Im totally ready for this week!
  • I didn't get a chance to post my calories burned yesterday since we had a big day out and about after church. Yesterday, I stayed within my calorie goals and burned 322 calories during my morning walk.

    Today we had a fun day with friends over...we cooked, grilled out, swam, chatted and all the kids played. It was a really fun day! Thankfully I got my walk in this morning because it was pouring down rain at the time that I usually walk in the evenings with my neighbor. I burned 410 calories this morning! I slowed the pace and used 3 lb weights to work out my arms, using 1 minute intervals for each exercise. Ouchie! My arms are going to hurt tomorrow because they are already hurting now.

    I'm going to have to think about next weeks challenge because I don't know what I want to do yet. Need to up the intensity for sure!

    You guys are all doing great! Keep it up!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Hi gals! I officially weigh in on Mondays - is it ok if I post then? I keep a blog on my exercise and weight/measurements and checking in on Mondays has become my routine :) I will list my measurements tomorrow!

    SW: 221.2 (9/1/11)
    November 12th GW: 199 (was my goal for 12/25, but I am ready to PUSH it!)
    DAILY GOAL: To stay within my calorie limits and continue TurboGire & C25k plans
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 7 days every week. This includes the above as well as an hour walk (on very steep hills) on Sundays.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose 10+ pounds this month.
    REST DAY: Sunday... I walk the hills mainly to keep routine! :)
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Had a fantastic day today! The weather was just gorgeous so we went for a really awesome hike in a state park and did the 3.25 mile hike, a mile of which was either stairs or uphill. Used my HRM and found I had burned about 637 cals. Stayed within my calorie goals today and am on track to meet my goals this week. I think I'm going to go for option one next week. I already incorporate almost all of #2 in my strength training days, but have been slacking on my running. So I'm going to run 2 miles 3 days and walk 2 miles the other 4 days for a total of 15 miles. Keep up all the good work gals!!
  • Ok we had a heavy down pour today! Which I still found time to burn 281calories by doing 2 miles today! I hope tomorrow to do 4-6 miles but weather is still suppose to be yucky! Stayed in my calorie limits and really enjoyed eating sausge peppers and onions!!! YUM~
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi usual, it looks like y'all had a great day! Come rain or shine, you got your workouts in! I don't think anyone went over on their calories either. I'm so proud of you!!!!! Weight loss takes determination and commitment, and you've got what it takes!!!!!

    I burned 407 calories today as we walked around the mall tonight....well, if you want to call it that. We chose to walk quickly around the mall a few times in the AIR CONDITIONED mall tonight as it rained cats and dogs outside. It was WONDERFUL because it's just so hot and muggy in Florida right now! This was about the only time I wished I lived near the ever so busy mall so that I could power walk in the mall every day. I could just see us plow someone over though. LOL! We also had an awesome meal tonight at Ruby Tuesday's to celebrate my birthday just the four of us. In fact, we were asking our waiter about the healthy meals and we started talking about MFP. The next time he came to our table, he pulled out his phone and showed us the MFP app that he just downloaded. He was excited to start using much so that he started telling other people and another table about it! My husband and I have lost a combined weight of about 74.5 pounds and people are asking us all the time about what we're doing and how we're doing it. I swear we should get a commission for MFP! :laugh:

    I enjoy reading your posts every day! You're a great encouragement to me, I love your ideas, goals, and accomplishments! Y'all ROCK!!!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    It was a beautiful day! -Warm and sunny! Perfect! I went for a 40 minute bike ride and burned about 341 calories.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Just a quick note to say, PLEASE read this blog post. It's a success story by LimeyTart who will be surprising her husband upon his return from Afghanistan. He deployed for a year long tour on February 15th and she joined the gym the next day. She went from a size 16 to a size 4, and he has no idea! I'd love for you to read her story of how she did it. She started SLOWLY! She has been successful because of her slow at first, but very faithful and consistent efforts toward exercise and food consumption. If you have the chance, stop by to say that you are proud of her...maybe she will inspire you too!

    Her update:

    Her original story:
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Ladies! Looks like everyone is doing great!
    I stayed within my calories today, logged all my food and burned a little over 400 calories doing a cardio/strength training interval circuit (Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout). It was really hard to avoid the giant tray of cookies at work today but I did it! Hopefully they won't have more tomorrow LOL
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone!

    We had an absolutely gorgeous day today. So, my DH and I took our boys to the park and we had a picnic, played, rode bikes and slept (me :embarassed: ) for a couple of hours. I'm on day 5 of the 30 Day Slimdown, so I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I absolutely LOVE this workout DVD. It uses no hand weights and it totally kicked my butt. I was exhausted and just barely participated in the last 2 circuits and still burned 363 calories.

    I met my calorie, sodium and exercise goals today. I hope that tomorrow goes just as well.
  • Ok so the past couple of days I was not on here :embarassed: but I should've been! My husband has a graduation ceremony in two weeks and my goals for this week are to workout everyday and to stay away from soda, alcohol and salt. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can drop a couple of lbs! With that said, I'm back on it today! Getting ready to post my breakfast then go on a cleaning spree! That should burn some major calories! :wink:
  • Tomorrow morning I am restarting the C25k program and going to finish this time.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Tomorrow morning I am restarting the C25k program and going to finish this time.

    Glad to have you back! Have a great day!
  • Ok so tonight starts my favorite show back up (Sons of Anarchy) so I knew I had to get my excersise in before the show. I also have class tonight so I knew I would not have time to walk tonight. With the cool breeze from last nights down pour I got in a little over 2 mi so we will say 2 mi. and burned 304 calories. I am tempted to save those calories for a piece of cheesecake.... thoughts anyone?
  • SW-182.
    Nov 12th GW-165
    DAILY GOAL- run/walk for 20 minutes daily
    WEEKLY GOAL- to complete each week of the c25k program and drink more water
    SEPTEMBER GOAL-lose 6 pounds this month
    Rest day-vary depending on work
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Here are my stats as of today:
    Weight: 219
    Waist: 35.8
    Hips: 46
    Thigh: 24
    Upper Arm: 14.8
    Bust: 39.5
    Abs: 45.5
    Fat%: 40.7
    BMI: 36.4

    In the past 60 days, I have lost 27.6" and 16.4 pounds so I hope to better that in the next 60 days! :)

    I will do a combination of options 1 & 2!

    Let's do this, ladies! :)
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Having an emotional sisters dog died (I know it sounds pathetic but he was just amazing and such a part of the family he came into our lives when i was having a particularly difficult time and its just heartbreaking) and my physical therapist implied strongly i have serious permanent damage to my i got into serious work out mode

    Today I did-
    500 crunches
    200 leg lifts
    200 push ups
    100 chair presses
    and walked 4 miles...debating a 5th...

    all in all i burned 683 cals

    I've had some trouble eating today with all the crap news but will be having a nice big healthy dinner. Hubs is flying so i might crank out some more crunches as well before he gets home. Old Jane would have ate away her sorrows new Jane clearly has a work out addiction...all in all i call it a win...minus the crap news
  • Well I stayed within my calories today and burned 570calories, so far this week I have walked 6mi. I am warming myself up to doing 15-20 mi next week. I love hearing how well everyone is doing!!!! Hope the rest of this week is as productive as today!
  • Everyone is doing so great! I am so proud of all of you guys!!!

    I was really bummed this morning when it was pouring down rain during my usual walk time. I had several appointments out and about today, so I am glad I at least got my evening walk in with my neighbor. I burned 463 calories and stayed within my calorie limit.

    Tomorrow is my rest day....but I might take a leisurely stroll tomorrow night - nothing serious! :wink: Have a great day tomorrow and keep on keeping on!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    I was really tired and cranky today. I'm currently trying to find a job and it's not going well. I almost didn't workout. But I figured if I was going to be mad and cranky I would get mad and cranky at Jillian. So I did Shred level 1 and burned 260 calories. I also stayed within my food calorie goal. I am hoping that tomorrow I can get in a good TRX session and get back to burning double what I burned today! I also hope that I'm not as tired tomorrow as I was today.