Stuck to my calories and gained????


I have stuck strictly to my 1200 calories, and low carb for 2 weeks now. Last week I lost 3 pounds. This week I gained 1.4 pounds. How is this possible? I weighed at the same day and at the same time both times. I don’t get it? 1200 calories definitely is putting me in a deficit. Why am I gaining? I have a fairly sedentary job and have not been working out so I am pretty sure it is not muscle gain. HELP getting very frustrated, and discouraged 😔


  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Its all about the water and the waste elimination. Ignore daily fluctuations.
  • Tesha231
    Tesha231 Posts: 381 Member
    Agree with the previous posters. Have to keep in mind we didn't gain this "extra" overnight so we need to be patient as we take our bodies back!
  • Carp614
    Carp614 Posts: 191 Member
    I agree with the others. This is well within a normal intraday weight fluctuation. You could be fooling your body into trying to store calories with such a restrictive diet and no change in activity level.

    I'm sure you know about this already, but in a nutshell, if you severely restrict calories your body may start trying to store fat as a starvation response. To lose weight you have to avoid triggering this starvation mode. I think that's why most of the fitness people recommend a deficit of no more than 500 calories per day from your base metabolic rate.

    Regardless, don't be discouraged! you can do this.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Tesha231 wrote: »
    we didn't gain this "extra" overnight so we need to be patient as we take our bodies back!

    theres so many good quotes on this site I want to steal. Or at least save someplace.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    ablymiller wrote: »

    I have stuck strictly to my 1200 calories, and low carb for 2 weeks now. Last week I lost 3 pounds. This week I gained 1.4 pounds. How is this possible? I weighed at the same day and at the same time both times. I don’t get it? 1200 calories definitely is putting me in a deficit. Why am I gaining? I have a fairly sedentary job and have not been working out so I am pretty sure it is not muscle gain. HELP getting very frustrated, and discouraged 😔

    Losing weight isn't a linear process. Your weight fluctuates naturally and weight loss and weight management in general is about long term trends and averages. You will have weeks with bigger losses, smaller losses, no losses, and gains...that's how it works. Losing weight and then maintaining your weight in the future is all about the long game, not days or a couple of weeks.

  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    I agree I have watched weight go up and down on a scale by 2 pounds in one day eating really lean and exercising. I agree with fluids and 💩 With low carb you are probably eating lots of protein and dairy with less veggies and fruits that make you 💩.

    Also working out is good too carve out some time for it 👍