exersise calories adding to total food count?

:sad: hi there im new to this fitness pal by two weeks and i love it, already dropped one pound which has been hard for me in recent years.
anyways my question is

my daily total is 1660 calories for food, but when i do exersise and put it in, that exact amount of exersise in calories adds to the food total everytime. is this right? why would it add the exact amount of exersise calories? it cancels itself out.
help please.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    This program does add your exercise calories back on to your food. It is your choice whether to eat them or not. After talking with my doctor and nutritionist, both said not to eat them so I do not.
  • CCLadyBug
    That is correct. I choose not to eat the extra calories I 'earn' by exercising. When I DID, I stopped losing weight. Good luck!
  • StarArly
    StarArly Posts: 56 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories. It is the only way i've been able to lose weight.