New to mfp and ready to do this

Hello everyone!
I'm starting on mfp to help give me the motivation and tools I need to achieve my weight loss goal.

I'm dating and living with a personal trainer. Which people automatically think I'm going to be this fit and super thin girl.
In reality dating a personal trainer can have its difficult moments. First off he's always at work so it's not like its super easy
for him to squeeze a training time in for me. His work expects him to put paid clients in his slots. So me being his gf I dont really feel like paying my bf to train me. Plus we have tried training together and it doesnt seem to work too well. Its so much easier for a bf/gf to yell at each other while training because its not like we have to worry about hurting a client/trainers feelings. I'm not saying he's not supportive
or helpful when I need him. He just can't dedicate the time I need to suceed at my goal. Which I realize is ok because this is something I need to do for myself.

So, I started to work on myself about three months ago. I have lost some weight about 8lbs. However, there was just something lacking and slowly keeping me going but I didnt stop. So when I saw this site I knew it would help me in a big way. Its helping me by showing me how much I'm really eating and better planning my meals and exercise. I know it will push me harder to reach my goal. Also the support that everyone gives each other on this site was another big reason why I joined this site.

I'm very excited to start this journey. So feel free to add me as a friend cause I love to meet new people.


  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You should love it just like the rest of us here do. I really does give you the tools and community needed to succeed. Plus, I can relate to our story about you and your boyfriend. I've got a bad back and am married to a Physical Therapist; same kinda deal. Good luck and feel free to send a friend request.
  • schlumy
    hi and welcome!!! mfp is a huge help for me...i hope it is for you as well. if you need anything just let me know!
    i totally hear you about the bf trainer thing. i'm always thinking my bf will help push me and get me motivated, not at all. so i had to buck up and decide i'm doing this thing on my own! i'll reap the benefits and rewards for myself, success is sweet!
    i had a guy friend who was a trainer and i though it would be great, said he would train me for free, and then when we met up to do one session it what terrible! he was super critical and just made me feel like the things i was trying to do for myself were just not worth dong (i.e. walking) "walking is going to get you nothing, you might as well forget it" is what i heard...not true at all. i lost 20lbs walking every day 2.2 miles and felt his face :)
    anyway, welcome welcome!!
    add me if you like, i can always use the motivation as well
    if you need anything don't hesitate :)
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome to a great site to help you with your journey feel free to add me and if ya need support i am here for ya.......
  • mistylt
    Thanks everyone!
  • Kylesfa
    Kylesfa Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome. I used the app for the longest time, but the forums and friends have already inspired me to do better than I have been. Its pretty cool.
  • Good luck and congrats on taking the a very positive step to improving your health. I'm a newbie and I'm already realizing the very positive power of my MFP support network. Even the simple "good jobs" for small little goals go a long, long way. Plus, there are some amazingly smart people on here who have wonderful advice. Good luck and feel free to add me to your network.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    It's amazing how we seek out and find our own help. I wish you the very best as we get going on this journey.
  • 2001cobra
    Hi Misty and welcome !

    I have not been on here but about a week or so. I mainly began to use this site to keep track of my food intake but when I realized the site also had a support/friend element the other day I began to use it too. I have a few new friends and they are awesome! Their encouragement is better than counting the calories.

    If you are working out and watching your food intake, I KNOW that you will achieve your weight loss goal.

    If you need support just let me know ok. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck Misty!

  • moreaudrey
    moreaudrey Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Misty, I am also brand new here. Your post made me laugh because one of the guys I met when I became "single again" was a personal trainer. We have had this sort of flirtatious relationship for several months but when it came time to hire a personal trainer he was the LAST person I wanted! LOL! So I have some sympathy for your predicament. I'm going to try to send you a friend request...I've never done this before so if I mess it up feel free to "friend" me!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    welcome to the mfp family :) .. If you need anything please feel free to add me :)