50 and Older With over 100 lbs. to Lose

I am looking for friends that have a lot of weight to lose. I have done this twice before and both times I have gained it all back.
I am ready to try again and would love to share the journey anyone who is supportive and who also needs support.
I hope to hear from you soon!!


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,508 Member
    I will be 50 in December .... I have over 100 to lose ... I had a bad habit in the past of giving up on myself and deleting my MFP accounts.. I promised myself I will never do that again .. I need to do this more than ever .......Feel free to add me would love to support/cheer you on while you are on your journey ...wishing you the very best :)
  • sherrydemint
    sherrydemint Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in for support and encouragement! I am 66 and have over 100 lbs to lose. I too lose and gain it back but am determined more than ever to succeed this time. I am just trying to consistently make better choices and to get some exercise in. I am off to a good start and have lost 12 lbs. in 5 weeks. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!! TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME!
  • ChrissyChickie
    ChrissyChickie Posts: 182 Member
    Well, I'm 52 and have over 100 to lose. I will definitely cheer you on!! I keep my food chart open, but am not the best example to follow with that. I occasionally go for a cheese steak and beer! :) As far as exercise I have been really good lately with either going to the gym or exercising at home. I do both weights, body weight and cardio (very low speed walking on slight incline). As my weight comes off I will start to go faster. Right now, I feel good about that. My weight comes off very slowly and I think with all the weights I'm doing now that is partly why.
  • twiglet247
    twiglet247 Posts: 3 Member
    Please feel free to add me, I am 58 with over 100lbs to lose. Was on WW for years and was going round and round the same circle.
    I needed something new, I hate living this life, well this existence, I'm hoping to get a life! MFP is something new, I haven't counted calories since I was in high school. Hope we can all motivate each other x
  • lesliejoruns
    lesliejoruns Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Leslie. Thanks for starting this particular group. This isn’t my first rodeo trying to lose weight. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter off and on for the past 25 years.

    The past 5 years my weight has skyrocketed higher than its ever been. I have had an eating disorder since my 20’s. Anorexia in my 20’s and bing eating disorder the past 30. (I am 60) I don’t get on the scale but can usually judge my weight pretty close by the size clothes I am wearing.

    The past 2 years I have been in a 24 and a 3X, the biggest I’d ever been. I had hit around 230 before but I knew this time I was a good bit over that. I looked at pictures of myself at Christmas and seriously did not recognize who I was. I have 2 grandchildren, ages 1 and 3, and really began to panic about being around to see them grow up.

    At my doctors appointment the first week of January I once again brought up my ongoing stress about my weight and my doctor looked me in the eye and said, “So what are you willing to do about it?” Together we made a plan, starting with very achievable goals and she started seeing me every 2-3 weeks for the first couple of months and now I go once every 4-5 weeks. Because of my eating disorder we do not focus on a number. I have no idea what my starting weight actually was (I’m guessing 265 ish). She just tells me how much I have lost, gained, or maintained since I saw her last and we refocus on setting new goals every time I see her, going over what I have been eating, my exercise plan and any stress or emotional issues that have come up.

    At my appointment on Wednesday I had lost another 9 lbs. since my last appointment 5 weeks before. As of the first week in January I have lost a total of 60 lbs. and am wearing a size 16. I finally look like myself again. I need to lose another 50 and know this will be the hard part. My body has adjusted to what I am now doing and will want to fight to stay where it is. I also know I will need to not get bummed or discouraged when my
    weigh- ins don’t show the numbers I have been used to seeing or plateau. I know all this because as I said before, this isn’t my first rodeo. This is a crucial time for me because this is when I start to burn out and feel like I will never reach the place I want to be. Something always seems to happen to derail me, or maybe I self sabotage?

    Anyway, I am thankful to be where I am at this moment and am hoping to continue the downward trend. I hope I can be helpful to any of you as we all walk the same path.

  • lesliejoruns
    lesliejoruns Posts: 2 Member
    Sherry, it’s fantastic that you have lost 12 lbs! It is so motivating to see those numbers go down. What ever you are doing is working so keep it up💕
  • mwisinger
    mwisinger Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 53 and have over 100lbs to lose. I have a bad habit of giving up and not believing in myself. I need to stop the negative thinking and know I am worthy.
  • mrsmikerd
    mrsmikerd Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in. Age 60 and have 100 to lose. Yo-yo dieter,sedentary and procrastinater. I dislike exercise and I ache and hurt most days. I need to motivation. I start hard and heavy, all or nothing and I know that is a set up for failure. Just have a hard time not giving i to sugar.
  • sherrydemint
    sherrydemint Posts: 2 Member
    Today is a new day! MAKE IT COUNT!
  • ellen_marie
    ellen_marie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone..... I am Ellen and I am also 100lbs. overweight... I am a 54 year old mom of 2 and grandma of 6... I have been a yo-yo dieter all my life.... I am sure glad u maybe this lil group.... thx I am new too this MFP so bare with me please...