Anyone in the UK 50+ needing help (Bournemouth & surrounding areas)

Hello everyone, I hope this is ok to post here.

I started MFP a few months ago when I was regularly attending my local gym. My son introduced me to this app and I was really pleased with the functions of it.

So, a little about me......I've experienced many issues with my mental health since 2002. I do feel I'm 80% of the way through my journey which consisted of depression, anxiety/panic attacks,
7 years of agoraphobia (still though rarely encounter it now) some social anxiety but I seem to feel better 'with' someone, and finally diagnosed with PTSD in 2006. I do believe the PTSD was mild bordering moderate and not as was strongly suggested by my psych.

When I started at my gym in July 2018 I literally fell in love! I've always loved exercising and a gym atmosphere but since gaining lots of weight, many gyms never felt right for my kind of person.
They were always full of bicep kissing, designer clothes wearing, mirror hugging, self-absorbed and unfriendly patrons that look at you like you shouldn't be there because you're too fat!
Well, pardon me but isn't that the point of a gym?? to lose weight and get fit, to look like you all do! lol

Anyhoo, at my current gym, I'd have a nice period of workout then through setbacks, illness etc, I'm finding it somewhat difficult to get back. Seems to take me a period of time (the last one was 6 weeks!!) before I can get my head around getting back :-( I just get going and bam! Setback :-(
Shockingly, a recent scare has found me losing rather too much of my very thick head of hair and coupled with weight gain, I'm not feeling good and this just pushes me further into myself and I've not entered my gym for about 8 weeks now!!

Until 3-4 months ago while exercising regularly at the gym, I lost 1.5 stones. Problem was I seemed to pick up colds and found myself having 4 colds in 7 months and unfortunately, I really suffer from just a mere cold with 99% of the time resulting in a chest infection.
Other serious setbacks have now rendered me stuck in my flat with difficulty getting out again so, I've got a proposal for anyone with issues surrounding Mental Health, Weight & Exercise

What I'm wondering is, are there any people out there locally to Bournemouth who are desperate to get exercising again? who maybe find it difficult to get out alone, in a similar situation to myself and feel they need some company in just going for a walk, going to exercise, rucking, hiking, that kind of thing? I find it difficult at times to get to my gym but I know if I had someone with me, like a buddy I suppose, I know I'd find it easier if that makes sense?
I'm primarily aiming this at the 50+ age group and to exercise locally or if you know of anywhere suitable.
Also, and this may sound strange but, you don't even have to talk much, if at all if that helps. Some people may just understand this.

Maybe we can start with mobility stretches, warm up then just a walk, incorporating a workout of sorts (if desired) then a cooldown stretch - calm and gentle as you want, but with an aim to help each other.

I'd like to get this off the ground and if anyone wishes to help, all the better. I just feel this may be needed because I cannot be the only one out there feeling like this, judging from my own personal experiences.

Marina x


  • brittaniagirl
    brittaniagirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Marina, I am trying to build excercise around my full time job which is difficult as very stressful and when I finish I just want to collapse. I’ve just forced myself to go for a bike ride after dinner. I’m happy to chat and possibly meet, I’m also the best vintage!