Need some accountability!!

Hello! I'm very new here...just thought I would say hi and introduce myself. I want to lose 25 pounds...while I am still technically a "normal" weight, I have gained those 25 pounds in the last 5 years and need to get things under control before I hit 45 (years OR pounds LOL!)

I have never really had much of a weight problem but middle age is starting to take its toll. Combined with my slack eating and exercise habits, that's a recipe for disaster.

I'm hoping that between this site and consulting a personal trainer, I will be able to turn this trend around and develop some good habits that will stick. Good luck to everyone!


  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome, I can completely relate to you.....I never had to worry about my weight until my late 40's and I started adding 5 lbs a year on. This site has been great to keep me focused and to log my food intake. For me it has definitely been adjusting my diet to eat healthier and to make sure I am eating enough of the "right foods" to fuel my body for the active life style I lead. Feel free to add me as a friend....I would be happy to help you get to your goal.
  • Never underestimate the power of building a network of positive people on here that will not only keep you accountable but praise you even for the small victories. Feel free to add me to your network. Good luck on your journey and congrats on taking a positive step towards improving your health!
  • christadoud
    christadoud Posts: 41 Member
    Wow I could have wrote this exact same post 6 mos ago when I joined. I have lost weight since then by using this great site... it helps me stay motivated. Please feel free to friend me :)
  • 2001cobra
    Hi Audrey,

    I sit at a desk all day and eat all kinds of stuff. My favorite is pizza. So you can see my lifestyle is not conducive to weight loss. I am not wanting to give up anything that I eat, but I have started an exercise program three times a week and I found this site to help me know how many calories, fat, carbs, etc. that I am taking in. MFP gave me as I am sure it did you a total daily caloric intake goal and I have stuck to it and have even been under a few times. I have also found some awesome support from a few new friends on here. That helps me as much as anything else.

    What I am say is.. I CAN DO THIS and YOU CAN TOO !!!

    Get active, watch your food intake, get some friends to support and encourage you on here and you will do fine!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.

    Good luck Audrey!!

  • moreaudrey
    moreaudrey Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks so much for extending such a warm welcome. It's surprising how motivating talking to other people is.