Y’all what am I doing wrong?

I have been eating clean and working out and the scale has gone up. I got down to 223.2 and now I’m right back to 226.4 (over a few days). I know it’s illogical but it is really discouraging and makes me want to quit. I think for a bit I wasn’t eating enough. I was ranging from like 700-900 calories a day. So yesterday I tried eating closer to my goal and I still weigh more than the day before. I made my diary public, anyone have any notes or advice?


  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah I use a digital scale for everything that isn’t pre packaged. If something is like 2.4oz I might round up to 2.5 or something like that but I never round very much. I’m gonna do my best to try to keep closer to my calorie goal and see if that eventually helps. Also I don’t usually eat back my exercise calories. The only time I have to workout is after putting my kids to bed at night so I definitely don’t want to eat after.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited July 2020
    There are experts ^ who can help you with all of the math.

    Have you had your blood glucose checked. Insulin Resistance makes all of this slower in the beginning and that's just the way the ball bounces. Don't dial your food down to try and overcompensate for what's going on in your body. That will only dig you into a much deeper hole with food.

    This is going to be slow going. Learn to accept that. It might take twice as long. Don't make comparisons with anyone else. Your photo is filled with youthful beauty. Youth is on your side and if you can get a grip on all of this sooner rather than later you are going to be so much further ahead of everyone else on down the line.

    Edge your way down slowly. Stay the course and don't throw the towel in. Gut it out. You'll be glad you did.

  • _melysalopez_
    _melysalopez_ Posts: 10 Member
    Just give it time. It wasn’t quick to gain the weight and it won’t be quick for you to loose it.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Women can find their weight goes up and down hormonally by quite a few pounds. Could it be this? You should be losing quite rapidly on that number of calories, but I agree, it's not enough. Nowhere near. Go for 1200-1400 and some daily exercise. If you don't drink enough water in hot weather, you could get water retention and it really adds a few pounds.
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    I haven’t had any of my stuff checked by the dr. I don’t have insurance at the moment so I’ll probably wait until I do in around 3 months if I’m still not really making any progress. I don’t really do much in the heat. I’m a butcher so I work in a cooler and I’ve been doing the insanity workouts or walking on our treadmill.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    How long have you been at it? Eat at your goal calories for 6 to 8 weeks. Weigh in as often as you would like, but compare weight now to weight a month ago. This is a long term process and requires patience.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I haven’t had any of my stuff checked by the dr. I don’t have insurance at the moment so I’ll probably wait until I do in around 3 months if I’m still not really making any progress. I don’t really do much in the heat. I’m a butcher so I work in a cooler and I’ve been doing the insanity workouts or walking on our treadmill.

    Did you recently start this workout? If so, your body may be hanging onto water. It sounds like you're doing the right thing (in agreement with others at least try to get 1200 calories), just keep at it and the scale will start to move.

    As others have said weight loss isn't linear. If it bums you out to see those increases, maybe you should weigh less frequently. Keep it up!
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    I’ve only been serious 2 or 3 weeks now. Patience has never been one of my strong suits! I just started them on Monday and they’re kicking my butt! I feel good afterwards though. But maybe weighing once weekly would be better for me than daily. The increases really do discourage me. I know it doesn’t mean I’m doing bad but it makes me wanna give up.
  • buddy352
    buddy352 Posts: 35 Member
    700 to 900 calories a day is disaster waiting to happen. Do some research.
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    At first I really hadn’t considered I wasn’t eating enough then I seen something about it and realized that’s what I was doing. I’m trying to get a lot closer to my goal now. Thanks everyone for the advice!
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    Also I got a weight trending app and added all my weights from this month and it did actually make me feel better! The overall trend was down despite the jumps.
  • ai89965
    ai89965 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m feeling this way to. I have been dieting for four weeks now. The first two weeks I lost five pounds each week. Then after that the third week I didn’t loose anything. This week I decided to add exercise I’ve done 30 min workouts the whole week and I gained two pounds. So discouraging.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Weight gain after starting new or increasing exercise is probably the most common complaint here. Short answer is its water. Stressed muscles retain water. Maybe stay off the scale the day after hard workouts. This very issue messed me up badly at one point. Give it time. It will all even out over time.

    And if we are going to change our lives we have to be ready to examine our beliefs about ourselves. If patience hasn’t been your strong suit up until now that doesn’t mean that you have to be that way forever. You might want to look at that because weight loss takes persistence. Persistence is sort of the stubborn cousin of patience. Keep trying. The only way to fail is quit. Don’t quit.
  • caitlinbrianne0817
    caitlinbrianne0817 Posts: 36 Member
    It was really discouraging. The last 2 days I have just done a walk on the treadmill instead of the insanity and I’m back down like 3 pounds so I think it was my body retaining water. That mixed with not eating enough. I know I’m making my body stronger but I like seeing the scale go down lol I mainly done the treadmill instead because I was spotting and it’s the middle of my cycle so I thought I might have over done it or something. But I think it’s the new birth control I’m on cause I’ve got terrible headaches too. Sorry if that’s tmi!