The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 3



  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Oops, Sorry Jen. I accidentally missed your name. Props to you for losing 3 lbs for team Yellow this week. :)

    QOTD: Gosh, I don't listen to anything on my walks and jogs. I have my son in his stroller, so I'm usually chatting with him. When I do my workout DVDs, it's whatever music they have on their soundtrack. I know, boring. lol.
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    Lady Gaga. I just put the whole play list of all her songs on shuffle. They make me move faster!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    I gotta say I love Lady Gaga, she just gets me movin'!!!!
  • What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    Hmmm...anything that has a fast beat. I like Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas.
  • WOW great result this week! I will have to work even harder this week!

    QOTD What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    I actually don't workout to music much, unless I'm dancing (and usually then its something sexy on wii just dance 2)- I'm a musician so music can detract from my concentration a lot - at the moment I've been watching the biggest loser while I workout, its such great motivation and the time flies by!

    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    On my next birthday I would love to be under a size 12 and able to lift 10kg! That would be so cool, although possibly selling myself short I don't know.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    I would like to see myself in the 150lb range. That's 110lbs down. I believe I can do it!!!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Congrats to everyone who lost!!! I lost NOTHING this week. Ugh!!! I'm going to see a specialist about my thyroid next week though. My doctor has been unable to get my meds regulated for over a year now and he thinks it's time for a specialist. I'm getting so frustrated with this. I did so well last year, then my thyroid kick it and now I struggle no matter what I do. Some weeks I'm down three pounds but then I'll spend three more weeks with no loss at all. It's nuts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!:smile:

    Hey there. I am hypothyroid. If I lose any weight, it comes off very slowly. So frustrating. Good luck with your specialist. I hope you find your correct dosage soon.
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    QOTD Monday : What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    Song name Dhan Te Naan from bollywood movie Kaminey... Ooo I love it !!

    QOTD Tuesday : Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    I would like to see myself fitting in pant size 4 without wrestling myself in it !
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    WOW great result this week! I will have to work even harder this week!

    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    On my next birthday I would love to be under a size 12 and able to lift 10kg! That would be so cool, although possibly selling myself short I don't know.

  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    I would like to see myself in the 150lb range. That's 110lbs down. I believe I can do it!!!

    Happy birthday! :laugh:
    QOTD: My birthday is in March. I hope to be at my goal of 115 and it would be cool if I could jog 5k.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Hello Everyone! Hope your Tuesday is going wonderfully!!???

    What's today's Question of the Day, you ask/??? I'll tell you!!!! :)

    What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    I have to say I love Michael Jackson's old stuff, well any of his stuff, so long as it's up-tempo, Off the Wall, etc. Or....Back on my Regime by Stic.Man from Dead Prez. (that entire CD is great!!).

    OK so nobody laugh .... I have to watch Dr. Phil on OWN on the elliptical :blushing: but when I do circuit training it is anyones guess ... whatever is on my ipod and sometimes I listen to guys at the gym grunt like they are giving birth :ohwell: I mostly wonder WHY they make those noises!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Well done Diamonds!!

    QOTD Monday - favorite group artist to work out to is Eminem, Kid Rock, Metallica, and Creed if I'm strength truing. Otherwise I like 80's stuff, kings of Leon, elton John, and the temptations. My aste is all over the board. And I just realized I didn't list just one -- sorry!

    QOTD Tuesday - I would like to be maintaining my goal weight at my birthday next year.

    Have a great night!
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I like anything with a fast tempo. I will shake my fanny to just about anything, and I always seem to go with the beats. The only time I REALLY push myself is if it's a super fast song. No matter how hard I try to go at MY pace, I always end up on the pace the song puts me on. Since I do workout classes, I am at the mercy of the instructor.

    I would love to be in a size 6 and on maintenance by my birthday, which is August so I have a long time to get the next 25 pounds off. I better be there by then:blushing:
  • Q'sOTD Monday:

    I don't listen to any music when I workout. My workouts are on the treadmill and I watch DVR'd re-runs of House, MD., How I Met Your Mother, Discovery Health stuff, etc.

    My birthday is mid-February. I would like to be 20 lbs. down by then and hopefully pregnant.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Congrats to everyone who lost!!! I lost NOTHING this week. Ugh!!! I'm going to see a specialist about my thyroid next week though. My doctor has been unable to get my meds regulated for over a year now and he thinks it's time for a specialist. I'm getting so frustrated with this. I did so well last year, then my thyroid kick it and now I struggle no matter what I do. Some weeks I'm down three pounds but then I'll spend three more weeks with no loss at all. It's nuts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!:smile:

    I see an Endocrinologist and it took me two and a half years to get my medication worked out. I get my blood tested every few weeks and still have bad days where it's hard to function because walking three steps can wear me out but for the most part I'm balanced. I can tell when my meds aren't working like they should and it's only day or two before my body regulates. I think it's impossible to entirely regulate a broken thyroid. There's always going to be ups and downs because I think we experience hormone fluctuations a little more deeply than the average person. BUT, my doctor says weight loss is still about calories in vs out.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    If I had to just pick one song... probably Eye of the Tiger. One artist... probably Justin Timberlake. I also like the cheesy workout songs on Itunes with the faster beats. They tend to be a little longer than the originals which helps me time my workouts, like 5 songs is totally doable when 25-30 minutes seems like forever. They may be the same thing... but my brain likes the lower number.
    Where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday?

    For my birthday (which is a year away) I'd like to be exercising regularly. Specifically, I'd like to be running again.
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    QOTD What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    Firstly happy birthday!

    My favourite artist to work out to would have to be Tool, especially if I'm on the treadmill, I love getting all my anger out! I fully recommend it if someone is stressing you at work (or outside of work) - you just pound their face in to the treadmill with every step.

    My next birthday is the big 3-0 in March, and I would like to be maintaining a size 12 (UK) and be able to run 10k. I started this year not running at all, and having completed couch to 5k, feel 10k would be a nice distance to be able to run. No need to go any further just yet.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Morning Diamonds

    I have the question of the day today. I know this has been discussed quite a bit on this site, but wondering what works for you.
    Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    Personally, I need the extra food. I have a hard time sticking to 1200 calories a day. I try VERY hard to stay around 1200 calories throughout the day, then when I go workout in the evening, I need a snack afterwards. I typically go over my limit a little then need the workout calories to get back in the green. I usually eat back half if not all my calories.
  • I think it depends on the type of workout I am doing. If it is a cardio day, I need the extra calories but not as much on the days I do strength training.
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    QOTD #1 - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    But next July, I hope to be in full on Marathon training. I'd also like to be near my goal weight. So that I can TTC after Oct '12.

    QOTD #2 - Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    NO! But I don't count any sports nutrition I eat towards my calories. Since I'm endurance training for a triathlon I eat about 200-300 calories for every hour of exercise over one hours. So on Sunday when I do my tri I could potentially eat 1000 calories just in protein bars and electrolytes, but I will also burn 3000~ calories.