Stopped Getting My Period?!

Hi Everyone !

I apologize upfront to all the men on here, this is directed toward the ladies. Also, if I posted this in the wrong section, could someone push me in the right direction so I can report is it there? Thanks!


Alright so I got my period last month, late. Ever since I've started exercising a lot, my period has become later and later. My parents are really nagging me about it. This cycle, my period hasn't come at all yet, or rather -- it's been over 40 days since I got my last period.
Before this I used to get my cycle like clockwork.

I'd like to say I am training to start running road races and lifting weights, in a cycle of every other day. I also attend fitness classes when I can at night and on the weekends.

Is it because I'm over exercising or should I maybe eat more of something or less of another?
Has anyone ever experienced this issue?

Any thoughts or advice would be great and appreciated !
Also if you'd like to add me as a friend I'd be more than happy to make more MFP buddies!

Thank you so much,



  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    The body will stop having "cycles" if there is not enough fat to sustain it. Your exercise has something to do with it I'm sure...Lot's of professional athletes don't have their periods.

    You may want to talk to your doctor, though.
  • lucylue21
    i just posted about this yesterday. i am sorta in the same boat as you. i got mine yesterday but it is super light and very late compared to normal. i would love to see the answer to this. incase anyone was wondering i am 5 foot 8 inches and 125 pounds.
  • LelitaB
    Hi Katie,

    This could be many things, and I suggest you do check with a doctor to be safe.

    What is your BMI? Being underweight can cause the body to stop mensturating. It could also be because of nutritional issues.

    Or, it might just be a phase your body is going through... sometimes because of factors like stress these things can just be different for a bit.

    As annoying as this advice is though, I would see a doctor, or at least ring that free medical advice line and see what they say.

    Hope this helps!

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Your parents are nagging you for not getting your period on time? Wow. I have heard of controlling parents, but that's just weird.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I am definitely not underweight or even at goal but this has happened to me. I asked my doctor and she said it was probably due to significant weight loss and lots of exercise.
  • katietat
    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    The body will stop having "cycles" if there is not enough fat to sustain it. Your exercise has something to do with it I'm sure...Lot's of professional athletes don't have their periods.

    You may want to talk to your doctor, though.
    I am 5'8." and 154 pounds -- in the healthy range.
    However, my exercise has spiked recently due to my dedication to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Your parents are nagging you for not getting your period on time? Wow. I have heard of controlling parents, but that's just weird.

    Maybe they are just concerned that she is over working herself or depriving herself nutritionally?
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I'm assuming you either know for a fact their is no way you are pregnant (you are abstinent) or you have taken a test. .. It is not uncommon for people to stop menstrating when their body fat falls- if your body fat is too low, you won't get your period. You can call your OBGYN and discuss your concerns and see if they want you to come in.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Your body fat may be low enough which delays your (.)... I know that if you search on-line you will find some 'home remedies', but you should probably listen to your parents (at least this time :wink: ) and see your doctor to rule out all other possibilities.
  • simone_84
    simone_84 Posts: 22 Member
    Its not unusual to experience lighter periods or even none at all when making big changes to your diet and exercise routine. I served in the military and when I went to boot camp I didn't have a period the entire 3 months I was there and I'm one of those people who can time it to the day when its coming. The same was true for 99% of the recruits in my platoon. It came back within a few months of graduating boot camp when life slowed down some. Its also been late here the last couple months since I've started up with MFP. Just the body adjusting. However, I will also say that it is your body and nobody knows it better than you. If you feel like it could be something more than just your body adjusting to diet/exercise changes ask your doctor.
  • katietat
    I am definitely not underweight or even at goal but this has happened to me. I asked my doctor and she said it was probably due to significant weight loss and lots of exercise.

    Yes, same ! That's what I'm thinking too, I think I'll schedule an appointment with my doctor though.
    Thanks !
  • katietat
    Your parents are nagging you for not getting your period on time? Wow. I have heard of controlling parents, but that's just weird.

    Well my mom is a nurse and she's worried that I'm over-exercising / the stress of college is getting to me.
    But I feel great ! So I don't know what's up.
  • katietat
    Hi Katie,

    This could be many things, and I suggest you do check with a doctor to be safe.

    What is your BMI? Being underweight can cause the body to stop mensturating. It could also be because of nutritional issues.

    Or, it might just be a phase your body is going through... sometimes because of factors like stress these things can just be different for a bit.

    As annoying as this advice is though, I would see a doctor, or at least ring that free medical advice line and see what they say.

    Hope this helps!


    Thank you so much !
    I am most certainly not underweight, my BMI is in the upper healthy level for me.
    I'm going to plan to visit my doctor if I don't get it within this month.
  • Lauren38570
    I'd be happy girl , it's good to have a break from it!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Well I guess I will ask the obvious since no one has mentioned it..........are you sure you are not pregnant? See your doctor in any case. There are multilple possible reasons and if it is from exercise or being underweight then those things will need to be modified.
  • alischaid
    alischaid Posts: 46 Member
    This happened to me a couple of months ago. I was working out twice a day, but eating all my calories. I got out to a 46 day cycle for two months, and then it went back to normal. Your body is just adjusting.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'd be happy girl , it's good to have a break from it!

  • nessajk
    Obvious question - is there a possibility that you are pregnant?

    I think exercise isn't supposed to affect your period unless you are at a very very high athletic level with a very low body fat percentage. If you are young (as in adolescent) it can vary, just because you are still changing. Stress can definitely play a role, too.
  • katietat
    Its not unusual to experience lighter periods or even none at all when making big changes to your diet and exercise routine. I served in the military and when I went to boot camp I didn't have a period the entire 3 months I was there and I'm one of those people who can time it to the day when its coming. The same was true for 99% of the recruits in my platoon. It came back within a few months of graduating boot camp when life slowed down some. Its also been late here the last couple months since I've started up with MFP. Just the body adjusting. However, I will also say that it is your body and nobody knows it better than you. If you feel like it could be something more than just your body adjusting to diet/exercise changes ask your doctor.

    Thank you for this piece of information.
    It's good to know that my body is just adjusting to this.
    Hopefully it'll come back soon then. (:

    Thanks again !
  • sameheartnewbeat
    I had the same problem and am actually still having that problem. I lost my period for 6 months; I went to the doctor and they gave me pills that will make it come back. I think it was the emotional stress and exercising that caused it. Before they put me on medication, I tried to stop exercising and dieting all together. It didn't bring my period back but it was incredibly hard for me to get back into the swing of things. I was binging every night. Go to your gynecologist. She will probably make you take a pregnancy test just to assure you are not pregnant and give you the prescription.
    Warning you, this medication is a hormone pill and boy did it really make my hormones crazy. I am not a big fan of chocolate, but I've had the strongest chocolate cravings the past couple of days haha =P also it made me break out a bit, which is usually a symptom on my period coming. Hope this helps.