Stopped Getting My Period?!



  • This happened to me a couple of months ago. I was working out twice a day, but eating all my calories. I got out to a 46 day cycle for two months, and then it went back to normal. Your body is just adjusting.

    I think this might be my case, because I am doing the same thing !
  • speckledbandit
    speckledbandit Posts: 16 Member
    Happens to me with some regularity now that I've started exercising. I'm not worried or pregnant.
  • Obvious question - is there a possibility that you are pregnant?

    I think exercise isn't supposed to affect your period unless you are at a very very high athletic level with a very low body fat percentage. If you are young (as in adolescent) it can vary, just because you are still changing. Stress can definitely play a role, too.

    Answer : No, I am not pregnant -- I am not sexually active, which I am proud of.

    Well I am seventeen, but I am sure not at a high athletic level ! Thanks for the piece of information (:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm definitely underweight and mine hasn't stopped coming, damn it! I'd be overjoyed if it stopped though.
    I personally think that its the initial shock to your body of eating healthier...especially if you totally did an about face with your fitness level.
  • I'm definitely underweight and mine hasn't stopped coming, damn it! I'd be overjoyed if it stopped though.
    I personally think that its the initial shock to your body of eating healthier...especially if you totally did an about face with your fitness level.

    I kind of am, it's nice not having to be like "great, it's here..." but at the same time my parents are in turn making me worry.
    But yeah, I sort of think it's shock.
    Thanks for replying !
  • I had the same problem and am actually still having that problem. I lost my period for 6 months; I went to the doctor and they gave me pills that will make it come back. I think it was the emotional stress and exercising that caused it. Before they put me on medication, I tried to stop exercising and dieting all together. It didn't bring my period back but it was incredibly hard for me to get back into the swing of things. I was binging every night. Go to your gynecologist. She will probably make you take a pregnancy test just to assure you are not pregnant and give you the prescription.
    Warning you, this medication is a hormone pill and boy did it really make my hormones crazy. I am not a big fan of chocolate, but I've had the strongest chocolate cravings the past couple of days haha =P also it made me break out a bit, which is usually a symptom on my period coming. Hope this helps.

    Oh gosh, I don't want to go on any pill. I already talked to my mom about going on a hormone pill to regulate it and we crossed that off the list. She wants me to stop dieting / exercising and I put a stop to that discussion. I guess we'll have to play the waiting game for a bit longer and then go from there.
    However if it persists we'll have to see the doctor and listen to what she says !
    Thanks for this piece of advice, it'll sure help me (:
  • Thanks everyone for their replies and advice, I will certainly use it all in regard to how I act in the near future regarding this problem.
    I love the MFP community, it's really helped me stay on track these past two months, but it's only the start of my journey.

    Good luck to everyone and if anyone needs a friend -- I am always here !
  • SabrinaG1986
    SabrinaG1986 Posts: 135 Member
    Your parents are nagging you for not getting your period on time? Wow. I have heard of controlling parents, but that's just weird.


  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Answer : No, I am not pregnant -- I am not sexually active, which I am proud of.

    Well I am seventeen, but I am sure not at a high athletic level ! Thanks for the piece of information (:

    Not to sound maternal but, GOOD GIRL! I waited until I got married and I'm soooooooooo glad I did!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Just thought of one more thing that hasn't been mentioned yet, but you say you're in college? I know that going to college for the first time was enough "stress" to delay my period for a couple of cycles (I wasn't sexually active either at the time). I handled the stress very well otherwise. The same happens whenever I start a new job or some other life change.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I didn't get my period once, but thats because I'm on the pill and it can eventually stop your period.

    I did notice though, that since being on the pill, exercising and losing weight that everything has become more regular. So give your body time... it will even out.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Just to chime in with my own experience - my period is always lighter when I am exercising regularly. Changing up your exercise routine (I think you said you're exercising twice a day?) can definitely delay it too. And I think someone already mentioned stress - that can also affect your menstrual cycle. For me, exercise keeps my cycle regular since it helps me combat stress, but it's also much lighter. When I don't exercise, my stress hormones kick in and I'm always late, but much heavier. It's totally normal for your period to change with exercise and/or various forms of stress in your life. You should definitely get it checked out, but also know that it may not be a problem. (But see a doctor to be sure!)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    When I was 32 I came off thepill after being on it for only 8 mos. At the same time I started running. I had lost about 100 pounds 2-3 years prior to this, but still needed to lose another 30 or so. That was the last time I had my period and I am 39!!! I now need to take progesterone to get my period as my progesterone levels are chronically low. No one can tell me why this happened. I have been to many different dr.s because of this, and some say maybe due to all my running, but certainly I am not underweight, I am 5'8" and 165 pounds!!!
    It could just be a fluctuation your body is going through, but you should make an appt with GYN and tell them so they can maybe check some bloodwork!!!
    Good luck!
  • are you getting enough nutrients?? I was annorexic when i was younger and my period stopped then.
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Your parents are nagging you for not getting your period on time? Wow. I have heard of controlling parents, but that's just weird.

    Well my mom is a nurse and she's worried that I'm over-exercising / the stress of college is getting to me.
    But I feel great ! So I don't know what's up.

    It is your parents job to be concerned about you, I think it rather rude of that person to say the are controlling, your periods stopping a health issue. weight loss can cause your periods to stop but as everyone has said please go see your doctor just to be on the safe side
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    are you getting enough nutrients?? I was annorexic when i was younger and my period stopped then.

    I was going to say so girls with anorexia can lose their period too but didn't want to offend anyone not that I am suggesting you are anorexic but as was said you might be short on nutrients or just getting too thin with all the exercise
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    If you aren't underweight (or close to being under weight ie your BMI is over 20) then focus on healthy eating (or you can be lacking in nutrients) and when your weight stabilises it will come back. Also have a couple of days off your training each week.

    But go to doctor to discuss if you are worried or if go more than 3 months without.

    I have mild pcos so often go through phases of irregular / long cycles, comes back back with healthy eating.
  • I had this problem when I was younger and even now. I spoke to the doctor and she said it is very normal for your cycle to stop or be lighter..when you start dieting and or exercising...