Calorie Negative Help?

I've been minorly researching the concept of negative calorie foods. So far, I believe it and haven't seen any adverse results from adding and not counting extra tomatoes or some cantaloupe in the morning.
My question is this: oranges are on the list of negative calorie food, but what about orange juice? I drink the pulp-y varieties that have nothing but oranges listed in the ingredients, but would that count as calorie negative? Up till now I've always counted it.


  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
  • SwoleBro
    The calculations on this site include calories burned from digesting food. Ice water is sort of calorie negative cause you burn calories to raise the temperature of the water inside your body but I don't think it is very helpful or healthy to think of any foods or drinks as being calorie negative, especially a fruit juice which is pretty high in calories.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You should be counting everything.

    all the calories that you burn digesting the food is added into your BMR
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Orange juice typically has tons of sugar.. I don't see how it could be negative. .
    I also don't think tomato and cantlope are negative --- the only thing I've read that might be is celery.
    I sure wouldn't count on negative anything...
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    I fell off the wagon with that very list... slowly eating more and overlooking calories... my vote is to stick with counting it all... there arent many calories in them anyways... and juice--- DEF not!
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    As a diabetic, fruit juices are a big no-no, because they're basically liquid sugar (nutritionally). They have to have some caloric impact, but more than that they are comparatively huge on the carb scale (glycemic index).