
I'm forever hungry.....:( and it's impacting on my weight and making me go over my calories


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,860 Member
    we need more information: how many calories are you trying to eat? What's your current and goal weight, gender, weight and size?

    The easiest solution of course is to eat more, hence reducing your weekly weight loss goal. there's no point in starving yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • niamhdean97
    niamhdean97 Posts: 108 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    we need more information: how many calories are you trying to eat? What's your current and goal weight, gender, weight and size?

    The easiest solution of course is to eat more, hence reducing your weekly weight loss goal. there's no point in starving yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thank you for the comment.

    Im trying to eat 1320 calories but have only just started back calorie counting but I know i eat too much. I am 12 stone 11 pounds, 22 year old and female. I'm around size 12
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,342 Member
    You could eat more and still lose weight. Try 1700.

    But the other things to be aware takes me usually a week to get used to lowered calories. If you're used to eating 2500 calories a day and you are trying to stay around 1320, that's a huge jump and it's going to be hard.

    Then, what are you eating? Lots of sweets and breads and stuff? Try eating protein (chicken, turkey, pork, fish) and lots of vegetables along with a little fat. That will fill you up and not leave you looking for more food like breads and sweets do.
  • Sounds like you may need to think about how can you eat smarter - foods your an bulk with like green salads and then filing foods - high proteins, non complex carbs and minimise Hugh sugar .

    It does take a few days for your brain to catch up with your goals !!
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    we need more information: how many calories are you trying to eat? What's your current and goal weight, gender, weight and size?

    The easiest solution of course is to eat more, hence reducing your weekly weight loss goal. there's no point in starving yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thank you for the comment.

    Im trying to eat 1320 calories but have only just started back calorie counting but I know i eat too much. I am 12 stone 11 pounds, 22 year old and female. I'm around size 12

    How tall are you? How much are you trying to lose? How active are you in your day to day? Do you exercise?
    When you put your info in to the Guided Set up, what rate of weight loss did you select?
    If you exercise, do you log that and do you eat (any of) those calories?

    It's very possible that you've selected too aggressive a rate to lose at, are more active than you stated and/or aren't eating your exercise calories. All of which leads to you not eating enough to fuel your body and ending up hungry. It's possibly the default setting, but many people think it's best to choose to lose 2lb a week whereas often that's not suitable. 2lb a week is really only for people with more than 60lb to lose and you definitely don't need to lose that much. Also, MFP is designed such that you're expected to enter your exercise and eat those calories on top of what it gives you to start with; a lot of people don't realise that. Going slower is much much healthier.
  • niamhdean97
    niamhdean97 Posts: 108 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    we need more information: how many calories are you trying to eat? What's your current and goal weight, gender, weight and size?

    The easiest solution of course is to eat more, hence reducing your weekly weight loss goal. there's no point in starving yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thank you for the comment.

    Im trying to eat 1320 calories but have only just started back calorie counting but I know i eat too much. I am 12 stone 11 pounds, 22 year old and female. I'm around size 12

    How tall are you? How much are you trying to lose? How active are you in your day to day? Do you exercise?
    When you put your info in to the Guided Set up, what rate of weight loss did you select?
    If you exercise, do you log that and do you eat (any of) those calories?

    It's very possible that you've selected too aggressive a rate to lose at, are more active than you stated and/or aren't eating your exercise calories. All of which leads to you not eating enough to fuel your body and ending up hungry. It's possibly the default setting, but many people think it's best to choose to lose 2lb a week whereas often that's not suitable. 2lb a week is really only for people with more than 60lb to lose and you definitely don't need to lose that much. Also, MFP is designed such that you're expected to enter your exercise and eat those calories on top of what it gives you to start with; a lot of people don't realise that. Going slower is much much healthier.

    Hi, I am 5"10 and want to lose just under 2 stone. I'm not very active and wish I had the energy to exercise but I'm a single mum to a toddler so just exhausted all the time. I have it at 1 lb a week.

    I am just always eating and I don't know how to stop this. I don't know if it's hunger or boredom. I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and I hate salad and I don't know how to change this either :(
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    I think you've just contradicted yourself. You may not be very active in terms of doing conventional exercise but, if you're a single mum to a toddler, it's just you that's chasing your child around all day. You're definitely not going to be Sedentary, that's for sure!! It's now even less surprising that you feel the way you do.

    You're currently a little above Normal BMI - you're into the range of 'Normal' as soon as you get to 12st 7lb, so start with that as a target.

    You probably need to focus on getting your hunger levels under control first though. Change the MFP Guided Set up to say you're more active than Sedentary. I'd go up one level and see how you get on. I also suggest you change your goal to lose half a pound a week. Both of those will give you more calories to eat. Log any deliberate exercise and eat 75% of those calories too. Stick at it for 6 weeks and then see whether your weight is going down, on average, at the required rate. The 6 weeks gives you time to adjust and takes you through one full menstrual cycle.

    Depending on how much you're chasing around with a toddler, you may find you'll lose a little faster than half a pound a week - but at least you shouldn't be as hungry and therefore shouldn't binge. Better to lose slowly than to aim to lose faster and then immediately undo it by eating over your calories.

    Weigh and log everything you eat. Then look to see if you can make small tweaks - a little less pasta, one fewer potato on your plate, an extra carrot or serving of peas to bulk up your meal, a smaller piece of chocolate, Greek yoghurt with berries instead of a sugar-laden dessert etc. Try to eat more protein and (good) fat as they will help you feel fuller for longer. Also, make sure you're drinking enough water.

    You don't have to stop eating sweet things and you don't have to start eating things you don't like to lose weight. You just need to eat the right number of calories to have a deficit whilst still giving your body fuel. Salad and veg have more beneficial nutrients than cake and chocolate, but don't torture yourself as that's what makes people give up.

    Hopefully you'll soon have the energy that you need to keep up with a toddler - and will also be losing weight, slowly. Good Luck.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I'm forever hungry.....:( and it's impacting on my weight and making me go over my calories

    Find the volume eater's thread. It's got lots of advice on filling up on certain foods so you won't go hungry.
    I have a sweet tooth also and currently try to curb it by chewing sugar-free gum. It helps most of the time, or have a mint, even been known to have an extra cup of coffee in the afternoon when I get the munchies for sweet stuff. Or I'll grab a couple clementines. I was buying 40 cal. fudgsicles but found I'd eat 2-4 of them in 1 sitting. :/It wasn't the calories so much but it lead me to wanting more and more.

    Good luck and hope you can find the trick that works for you!! Chasing a toddler can be exhausting.