Lapband wonder women

My name is Shauna and I guess the subject is misleading. If I was wonder women I wouldnt need lapband...haha. Oh well! It has been on year since my surgery and I am down about 50 pounds. In my second year I am trying to improve on my mistakes from year one. One suggest to doctor made was to reach out to other trying to lose weight. He calls it a "Weight Loss Buddy" ( I guess the buddy system does come in handy). So please feel free to write me. friend me on here and lets take this journey together.

Wont you be my weight loss buddy!! haha



  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
    welcome add me if u you would like
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Congrats on your success! :)
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need motivation and a weight loss buddy. I considered having the lap band surgery in 2005 when I was at 336 pounds. But I knew as much as I liked food, I did not have the willpower to follow all the rules. I work on the Ortho/Neuro floor here at Baptist Hospital and we also get all the batiatric surgery patients. Have seen some wonderful successes including many employees who have had either the Lap Band or the Roux-en-Y.
    Best of luck with your journey. Take care of yourself and keep healthy!
    Yukon, Oklahoma
  • I am in a similiar boat... had my lapband 11/09, with highest weight of 320, currently 255..... and STUCK. For a year, stuck. I would be happy to be a lapband buddy and find some people who can relate, who share the same struggles and who I can support as well. Take care and hope to chat soon!
