Does this happen to anyone else?

It is very strange. But as soon as I reach a milestone like going from a size 16 to 12 in my wedding dress, or this time, getting below 160. I get very excited and happy. But for some reason I loose motivation. This time I am not letting myself fall off the wagon. But instead of being more inspired I loose momentum. But when the scale is stubborn I become more stubborn myself and work harder and harder. Just wondering if anyone else gets this phenom on


  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    happens to me all the time!
    il have loads of determination!
    and its normal a visual achievement over a weight one..
    and then il feel slightly more comfortable with myself, and therefore slack a bit when it comes to weight loss.
    I think its just the closer u get to your goal and the happier you are with yourself, the harder it is to force urself to choose the healthy thing and work out!
  • It happens to me too not just in weight loss but in other aspects of my life as well. As of this moment, I'm starting to feel a bit more lazy working out although I still keep on pushing myself to exercise.
  • It's a human trait that we have inner goals that satisfy our craving to be back in a comfort zone. Although you are not at the weight goal you have set, you are at a psychological goal where your mind is telling you it's a comfortable place to be.

    When a football team is 3-0 up at half time, almost 90% of those hames finish at 3-0, not becaue the opposing team defend better in the second half, but because the winning team lose the required motivation to score more goals!!

    Well done for recognising the effect and vowing not to give in to it, good luck, feel free to send a friend request if you want to.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I am exactly the same I have been getting to comfortable lately and I only have 5lb till I reach the high end of healthy I want to get to the middle of my healthy bmi range so I have to step it up a bit
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    yup! Happens to me, and its the reason after one year I am at the same weight as last year :( Trying to keep things in prespective this time.
  • lvllt
    lvllt Posts: 16 Member
    Do you think maybe you dont want to get lower in your head???? would you not be happy staying at that weight??
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    no that is not even possible. I am still 8 lbs over my healthy weight range. And to be honest I would rather be somewhere in the middle of healthy not at the top end :) I just get tired I think and want to go back to my old habbits