Workout When Obese



  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    Way to go!! I’m so excited for you!
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    momof2kd wrote: »
    Well I went back this morning and, if I do say so myself, killed it! Slightly increased my distance on the elliptical and added quite a bit of strength training. Found a few more machines I could fit on.

    Some people were staring, but I've decided that I am no mind reader and they could be thinking anything. At any rate, it's not worth my stopping. It feels so so awesome to find that I can actually do a little more than I thought.

    Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support.

    Most impressive! Keep it up!! You rule!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    Keep it up! I hope to see you on the Success Stories thread real soon. (Although this is a success in and of itself!)
  • M0n1KCR
    M0n1KCR Posts: 148 Member
    Keep it up! Do it for yourself, they have to be real sad individuals if they have to criticise you to feel better.

    I love zumba classes. Unfortunately, I'm uncoordinated, have no sense of rhythm and seem unable to remember a full choreography. When I started at my current gym, I was by far the largest in the class (and the clumsiest), and I also heard two young, svelte women saying something like it was a pity I was taking up a space another person could use. It made me feel terrible, but I decided to not let them dictate what I would do - I enjoyed the class, so I'd just try to keep apart from them and their idiot attitude. Five years have passed. I've lost 25kg, I keep enjoying the same class, I've met other ladies there to chat with before and after classes (some are brilliant at zumba, some are not, but they are all nice). The idiots don't belong to the gym any more. I'm so glad I didn't let their venom hurt me.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Good for you. Keep at it.

    As for the staring - it sucks, but as you say, you don't know what they are thinking. It could actually be surprise at your height. And maybe it would help if you tell yourself that. Your height is not related to your goals and you can't do anything about it so it might help to explain the stares that way to yourself.

    I used to be terrified of being stared at and I used to be obese. In the end I tackled the fear by seeking out the most weird-looking exercises that nobody else did and just made sure I stood out. It was almost daring people to stare. Bear crawls round the gym? Bring it. Suitcase kettlebell carries (not weird as such but literally nobody does that at our gym)? Yeah. Great.

    If anybody stares now, I don't even notice. Besides, they've all seen me beating hell out of the punch bag, so they want to be careful...

    If you have the funds to hire a personal trainer for a few sessions that could be money well spent. They may have all sorts of exercises for you to try that you would never think of, rather than limiting yourself to machines you fit on.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 677 Member
    Awesome! Way to go!
    momof2kd wrote: »
    Well I went back this morning and, if I do say so myself, killed it! Slightly increased my distance on the elliptical and added quite a bit of strength training. Found a few more machines I could fit on.

    Some people were staring, but I've decided that I am no mind reader and they could be thinking anything. At any rate, it's not worth my stopping. It feels so so awesome to find that I can actually do a little more than I thought.

    Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support.

  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    High-five! You’re my inspiration today! <3
  • ChrissyChickie
    ChrissyChickie Posts: 182 Member
    Sorry, you have gone through this. Please just continue on no matter what others say. Some people just won't understand. I had a really fit woman come up to me and ask me if I was finished on the leg press machine because she was doing her circuit and wanted to use the machine and I wasn't moving. I guess she thought I was just playing on my phone (when I first started, I needed to take much longer breaks between sets). I do understand how I probably looked to anyone not knowing the situation.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    I am so sorry those people were so mean. We should want to help each other not tear each other down. I am a short woman at 4'10. I started out at 174lbs. It was VERY hard to work out when I first got started! Even the low impact workouts were almost impossible in my mind to do. I have always worked out from home so no judgy people here. I am now down to 135ish and SO strong! Just keep moving and trying it will get better! Find videos on youtube for low impact or sitting down exercises! Hugs you can do it!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I am inspired by your post, too! If anyone is not being supportive of you, fick-'em, who need 'em. If you just keep showing up at the gym in spite of any shade, you may find some friendly people who will give you high fives every time you show up,

    We can all use a little help in this process. I hope you have access to a good primary care doctor who will refer you to a a nutritionist and physical therapist. They may have suggestions for exercise programs to get you going. (Also, it can help you find buddies, which is really helpful.) It's also worth getting some individual training, if you can. All this help is not available to everyone, I realize, but it should be!

    And let me 3rd the idea of water-exercise as have others. From a physiological standpoint, it can't be beat. I'm acutely aware that many people hate the idea of putting on a bathing suit. (Plus, there are limitations these days due to the quarantine.) But every YMCA has specific classes for people that are in rehab for one thing or another. It's something to think about longer term.
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member

    When you go to the gym think of it like your private space put your headset on and completely ignore your surroundings . Unfortunately we live in a world where everyone is not kind.

    For starter you can walk on the treadmill slowly ( you are not in competition with anyone). Then up the height for hill climbing when tired reduce your speed and height.

    You can also bike slowly at your pace and do it in reps maybe. We have to junction how our body allows. After a month of constant going you will se your body will be getting used to it and your performances will improve over time as well as the intensity of the exercises you want to do.
    Remember " He who lives on the opinion of others is a prisoner".

    Hope it helps.
    Best of luck and update us soon.xxxx

  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    I meant * we live in a world where not everyone is kind*.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member

    momof2kd wrote: »

    Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support.

    Your job is to pay it forward and support some other shy soul next year when you’re a teeny little thing.

  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Good job, keep going! Remember you are a paying customer too, and are just as entitled to use the machines, classes and services as everyone else.

    I started a new group class (aerial acrobatics) this week, and I’m by far the biggest girl there. I also have alopecia which makes me bald, so I wore a beanie/turban thing. At first I was convinced that all these skinny pretty blondes (who also came with friends, I came alone) hate and diss me. I decided to stay positive and not let my own prejudice and hostility get the best of me, so I made an effort to chat a little. Guess what, they were all nice. I’m not saying there aren’t judgemental idiots who would whisper and snicker and be *kitten*, but still. Most people are nice.

    I also second (or 3rd or 4th) the suggestion of walking aids or hiking poles. A word of warning about the hiking poles: the other end is pretty sharp. My mom tried to shoo a fly or bee away while holding the poles with the wrist straps on and ended up shoving the sharp end straight into her calf. She had to get stitches, and the wound/scar still looked pretty nasty after a month.
  • LinkedEmpire
    LinkedEmpire Posts: 40 Member
    Andrea222 wrote: »
    Is there a pool at your gym or one you can use/ join somewhere else? I do water aerobics, and it is so fun. I have a bad knee but it is no problem in the water. I also like to just walk in the water. Being in the water can be a good workout, and great for people who have trouble on land.

    Great mention. Water is peaceful and relaxing, gentle on joints. Improves serotonin too. Nothing better than something that soothes and relaxes as an after effect too.
  • LinkedEmpire
    LinkedEmpire Posts: 40 Member
    Ignore the gym bunnies. Remember you don't need to pay for your existence, just work toward the best pay off you can give yourself. They might be thinking the worst but they're not the best example of what is healthy or normal. I don't care what their end result is, I'd be more concerned why they're just hanging out at the gym to judge vs oh I don't know, actually work out and be a guide? Keep doing what you're doing and don't give your personal power away.

    To others: I love miranda white too and the pool idea. I've been doing her workouts and stretches and it's given me a little more pep in my step. I didn't realize how bad my hips and all were at first, but let's just say agreed it's beneficial.
    RGILLESP1 Posts: 11 Member
    Air high five for getting moving and trying to improve your health! Screw the haters. I’m sure we live nowhere near each other. If we did, I’d totally be your workout buddy.
    As for things you can do: swimming is great but I’m guessing it’s not something you want to do at the gym considering the type of people you’ve recently encountered there. Other options would be the stationary bike or maybe the rowing machine. Outside of the gym, you could get some resistance bands to use at home. You can do lower body exercises with those at home, and can even do them seated so you can work up your lower body strength slowly without having to worry about your legs giving out. I got these for $10 on Amazon and they work great. Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands for Home Fitness, Stretching, Strength Training, Physical Therapy, Workout Bands, Pilates Flexbands, Set of 5
  • Debster634
    Debster634 Posts: 53 Member
    Momof2kd have you considered swimming or swim fit classes? I know the thought of putting on a bathing suit is off putting, but the water exercises are really easy on the joints and it's usually all women of various sizes. I'm not sure how things are in your area, but our pools have just opened up for 1 hour sessions with precautions in place. Small steps. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. <3
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    At 336 lb, exercise of any kind is going to be difficult and painful. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get your diet under control. If you were to lose even 50 pounds, you would see a remarkable difference in how much easier it is to be active.

    I'm a firm believer that tackling the biggest problem first is the best way to make improvement in lifestyle. Your biggest problem is your weight. Start tracking how much you are eating and then commit to eating less. MFP is your best friend in this regard. Good luck to you and stay strong!