What languages do you speak?



  • I'm completely fluent in both English and Spanish.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    Midwestern (Missouri). Warsh. Wisconsin I didn't realize I was mis-pronouncing it until a few years ago when a co-worker made fun of me for pronouncing it Wesconsin. July (Ju sounds like you instead of uh) Pop instead of soda to name a few.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    1) Good English
    2) Bad English
    3) A bit of German
    4) A tiny tiny TINY bit of Spanish


    I should know more German, seeing as I live there. Not good really :-/
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Very little French
    Haitian Creole (poorly)
    Chippy Xhow
  • 1. English
    2. Gaelic
    Bits of
    1. French
    2. Italian
    3. Mandarin
    4. Spanish
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    I speak BOSS-tin....

    I practiced WICKID HAHHHD to get it right.

    HA!!!! Hilarious..so do I..thats wicked cool...I also speak English and Sarcasm and like maybe 10 words in Spanish..lol
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    U.S. English

    Just enough to fumble along with a VERY patient person (and with spoken language, some flailing of hands):
    American Sign Language
    Mexican Spanish (how you could grown up in Southern California without picking up a little is beyond me)

    A few words:
    Irish Gaelic
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    German (my mother)
    English (my father)
    Some italian (learned it in school)
    Some spanish (live in Texas so inevidable, lol)

    I speak german & the rheinland-pilate dialect, I have lived on the east coast, north & so I picked up slangs & dialects from all places.
  • Besides SARCASM, I can speak...
    1) English -- Since I lived in Cali almost my whole life...
    2) Tagalog -- pero konti lang.
    3) Ybanag -- My family dialect from the Philippines.
    4) Ilokano -- Since 1/2 of my family is from the Ilokano provinces.
    5) Gibberish -- HAHA!
    6) Spanish -- Re-learning this for when I go to Costa Rica for my sister's wedding.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    German (native), English (near native - I've been mistaken for an American by Brits before), and Spanish (though my Spanish used to be better). I also speak some Italian, remember a little French from high school and know a few words of Catalan. :) I can understand Italian & French much better than I speak them.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    English..... Spanish

    But I'm better at the Spanglish !!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The Queen's English (I grew up in Queens)
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    English and Cat
  • The only fluent language I speak is English, but I do know a good bit of German.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Learning French and japanese :)
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
  • timtamslam
    timtamslam Posts: 86 Member
    I'm also fluent in sarcasm.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Deutsch und English.
  • 1. Turkish (mothertongue)
    2. Italian
    3. English
    4. German (some)
    And I understand some French
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    English is my first language (American)
    Enhanced English is sort of what I speak now (British words, phrases, some pronunciation)
    Dutch is my second language (what I speak every day in the country I live in)

    I have studied German in the recent past but because of the Dutch completely taking over my brain I have a really hard time speaking it. I understand a LOT though and even have full conversations with colleagues with me speaking English and the other person speaking German.

    I've studied other languages as well, but never practised really, so I would never claim to speak those languages.