Hello, everyone! I’m totally new to this.

I just started the app yesterday, and this is the first time I’m tracking what I eat. I know I barely ever eat enough calories because I usually eat small healthy meals throughout the day.

I’m an A- blood type so can’t eat red meat or pork for protein; soy beans and oats are my best chance for complete protein.

I need help with losing fat at my sides. I’m still suffering from mild concussion symptoms like lightheadedness and muscle weakness. However, I’ve tried to workouts recently, but I still don’t have enough energy to get stronger. Instead, I’m increasing my yoga flow difficulty, which IS helping me get a bit stronger; although, I still can’t do leg strengthening poses for more than 3 breaths.

Sorry it’s so long winded. I’ve never shared any of this with anyone.


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited August 2020
    Why does being A- mean you can't eat red meat or pork?
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 600 Member
    Yeah...that blood type diet thing has no scientific basis. Eat what you like, within your calorie budget, and you’ll do well.