I challenge you....by Jan 1

Whos in?
The challenge is 100 miles (running, elliptical, treadmill doesnt matter) by Jan 1....at least that is the challenge for me...whats your challenge?:wink:
post your challenge...keep us updated and lets ride each other and make sure we make it to our goals!:drinker:


  • I'm in!:wink:
  • peggylicious
    peggylicious Posts: 22 Member
    I'll join you on this, just trying to get back on track after a few weeks lapse, and could do with some motivation and the odd butt kick to keep me going :-)
    Now need to figure out how to add one of those countdown thingies!!
  • princessjazie
    princessjazie Posts: 6 Member
    I will join you!!! :-) lets do this!
  • Sounds like a good motivating, reachable goal -- I'm in too!
  • I'd love to join too please. x
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    I'm in... walking all the way!
  • How do you get the exercise ticker?
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in!
  • my challenge (although obviously won't take me to Jan 1... well it might, cuz I get bored so easily lol) is to actually do 30 day shred. All 30 days. Consecutively. Seriously, I need someone to knock on my door every day and threaten me or something so that i'll just DO IT! hahahahahaha!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Count me in, sounds fun!

    If anybody else doing this wants to add me, please do! :)
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    tickerfactory.com is where i got my ticker! I gotta get moving with exercise i put on 10lbs over the summer and those are the same 10lbs i worked so damn hard to lose!
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    Im in!!! My hubby and I are off to do a 95km hike in October in Tasmania (Australia) so I might convert that to miles and work out how much more I need to do.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I just did 2..51 miles on the elliptical! for some reason tickerfactory isnt working..but I thought Id share! I feel like Im back in the game!:smile:
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I did 1.66 miles on the cybex arc trainer this morning (similiar to an elliptical) I did it on a higher setting then usual so I burnt more calories but didnt go as far...Im totaly ok with that!!! How the rest of you doing!?!?
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    yay cybex did another 2.5!
  • peggylicious
    peggylicious Posts: 22 Member
    You're being very good, putting the rest of us to shame!!
    I might be going to a zumba class tonight, if not will get out and get 3 miles under my belt
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    Im soooo proud of myself!! finally im back at the gym!!! elliptical for 1.65 miles today!!!! Hey guys dont lag behind!!! PS wear a pedometer for zumba!!! u never know!?!?!!?:smile:
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    I did 15 min on my stationary bike i dont know how far i went cuz its a very basic stationary bike....:tongue:
  • I'm in. I love to walk. We can do this!
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    Again i did the stationary bike this time for 21 min but i have no clue how far....