Looking for accountability partners - F 5’6, 78kg

catinamess Posts: 68 Member
After trying and failing on my own, I want to try it again with some accountability partners! I’m not sure whether it’s easier on this board or if friending will help more!


  • Katelookingreat
    Katelookingreat Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I’m Kate! I’m also trying to lose some weight and would love to not do it alone, especially since this is my first serious and hopefully sustained attempt to lose some weight for good. I’m happy to be healthy diet partners with you!

    Right now I want to focus more on eating healthy than losing weight, but losing 20 lbs by Christmas is my current goal. I’m currently on track to meet that goal sometime in October, but I want to allow for slip ups and a sustainable pace. What are your goals? What kind of help/ support is helpful for you?