Gained the Covid 19



  • miasheppard4111
    miasheppard4111 Posts: 1 Member
    I gained the covid 20 🤦🏽‍♀️ but im trying to lose some
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Another one here. I had maintained for 2 years and was ready to lose another 30lbs to get to a goal I had set. I was doing well and then Covid hit and during lockdown I decided to give up smoking (again) that is a guarantee for me to gain and I did. I went from 184 to 193 no big surprise. I am not panicking here is what I am doing though.

    I went back to basics.
    I adjusted my calorie goal down slightly.
    I set my weight goal for a 30lb loss
    I set small goals to reach by certain dates. E.G. my Birthday. Christmas. My husbands Birthday.
    I am logging my food more accurately
    I am trying to move more
    I am trying to drink more water
    I have lowered my carb goal slightly
    I have raised my protein goal slightly
    I have become more mindful about my food intake
    I use a weight trend app to record my weight daily (Libra)
    I have a spread sheet with my goals on it to record the date I hit them.
    I will get back to the gym as soon as it opens lift heavy and swimming.

    These are all the things that I did to lose the first 30lbs and they worked well then so they will work now. I started seriously last week and I have lost 1lb so on track. It is hard but I am getting back into the swing of things again and have confidence that I can pull back the gain and lose more over the next year.

    If in doubt go back to what worked before lockdown.
  • adri1442
    adri1442 Posts: 4 Member
    Since the last time i wrote something i have started to exercise a little just to get started like using the stepper( i think thats what its called Lol) for a few minutes and done some resistance arm exercise with small bands and today was my first day back walking at a park. I have also tried to not eat past 6 or 7 pm. They have been baby steps but im proud... i hope everyone is doing well with their goals
    Started at 320
    Today 318
  • Queen_Celeste
    Queen_Celeste Posts: 33 Member
    I'm back for the same reason. I gained about 15 in the first two months of it and have struggled to not gain more.

    Tracking food only helps because even if I go over on calories, if I submit that food diary I stop eating. Stress releases cortisol which increases hunger.