Losing weight for pregnancy

I am 31, BMI currently 34 and I really want to get it under 30 within the next couple of months so we can start TTC! I am worried about being very overweight/ obese and the effect that could have on pregnancy.

Anyone else in a similar situation and trying to lose weight in preparation? Feel free to friend me if so! :smile:


  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    I was 237 at age 30 and lost 10lbs and got pregnant on the first month we tried. 100% healthy pregancy with zero issues with pregnancy, labor, or post-partum! Just start trying whenever you want. You can continue to lost weight while trying!
  • amber5151
    amber5151 Posts: 51 Member
    I've been trying to get pregnant with our 3rd for a year. I'm trying to get healthy just in case being overweight is a contributing factor in why we haven't had a successful pregnancy this go around. Also our reproductive endocrinologist is talking about possibly IVF this winter so I'd like to be a healthy bmi and not overweight when that happens.