Hi Everyone! Any other Essex people here?

Hi All

Well this is my second day of using the app on my phone and i have to say so far that i love it! I haven't yet found a food that isnt on the database by using the barcode scanner thingy, very impressive!

I have already lost 6.5 stone over the last 3 years purely by watching what i eat (not dietting!) and doing lots of walking and exercise, but my weight has no plateu'd so im having another kick to lose the final 1.5 stone left that i want to lose

Im hoping fitness pal is the way forward :)

Would love to hear from anyone that wants to add me as a friend to keep me motivated!!



  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Hiya :) I'm from Essex too - I've lost about 6 stone in total, the final two since I joined MFP :smile:
  • Essexgirly
    Hi Emsi!

    Well done on your weight loss, we have similar stories by the sound of it, well once i've shifted the last 1.5 stone!

    Would you mind if i added you as a friend, i think it would help motivate me to see other peoples progress :)

  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    There don't seem to be so many of us from Essex - plenty in the UK though!