C25K Week 5 Question...

So I was looking ahead of the program because I was curious at what the next few runs will be when I was seriously shocked. Yesterday I ran week 5, day 1 and it went like this... Warm up walk for 5 minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Walk 3 Minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Walk 3 minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Cool down Walk 5 Minutes. So then I looked at Week 5 Day 2, and it said 5 Minute Warm up walk, Jog 8 minutes, Walk 5 minutes, Jog 8 Minutes, Cool down Walk 5 Minutes.. which I am fine with. THEN... Week 5 Day 3 was Warm Up 5 Minute Walk, JOG 20 MINUTES ( DO NOT WALK ), 5 Minute Cool down walk! Like seriously?!? How can you go 8 minute jog to 20.. that does not seem possible. Then I looked ahead at week 6 and it went back down to 8 minute jogs & 10 minute jogs.. which makes so much more sense.

I know your suppose to just try it but I really don't think I can jog for 20 minutes straight.. I think there jumping ahead of themselves. It's more than just a little intimidating and I was wondering if anyone has currently just done week 5 and it was possible? I know "anything is possible" but I'm ignoring that statement and want to see some facts, like someone telling me they did it when they suck at running as much as i do! Thanks!


  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm on week 6 right now!

    All I can say is trust the program....I remember thinking the same thing....remember, it's more mental....you can do it!!! Have faith in the program it works!!!! Just jog at a pace that is reasonable for you!
  • omgsaleslady
    omgsaleslady Posts: 44 Member
    i got to the 20 min run and gave up. two months later, running on my own, i managed it! now i can run 20 min easily and have hopped back on C25K. i would say try it out and just do the best you can! if you can't finish, just keep trying until you can get it...even if it takes two months. ;)
  • I agree! Just trust it. You'll be shocked at yourself by the end of week 5. That's really a turning point in the program and in yourself becoming a runner :)
  • It worked so well for me that now I'm doing bridge to 10k!
  • dianichole73
    dianichole73 Posts: 32 Member
    I was able to do it. I started the C25K at the beginning of July. My next run is week 9 day 3. Just take your time and you will be able to do it. Once you get to week 7 - 9 it's a 5 minute warm up and all running.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Totally agree with that, your body can do great things dont let your mind over write it! you will be fine! :-)
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    You can do it! If you need to, slow down your pace just don't stop!
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    TRY it.. you just may surprise yourself. AND stop looking ahead; it will kill your motivation. I didn't know what I was running until I went outside and started to run. That way.... I was already committed.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I am in week 7 (will do day 2 today) and yes, I made it through week 5...it was a tough week, but it can be done. I am sure that you will be able to handle it! :happy: I am now jogging 25 minutes at a time...and I never thought I would make it. Good luck with your journey of C25K!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    It's totally mental. I was stuck on the 8s for a week because mentally I couldn't handle the thought of running 20. Had to get my kids to run the 8s beside me, talking me through it. Once I managed the 8s I was willing to try the 20 and managed it. I did definitely slow down my pace for the 20 though.
  • You can do it! The first time I ran the 20 minutes, I wasn't on my usual route and it floored me. I quit for a few months but restarted the program in July. I'm on week 6 now and I can honestly say I'm enjoying it! I think it helped that I made my walks with my dog longer and faster paced on the days between runs.

    There's no shame in repeating week 5 if you need to. I'll be doing my first 25 minute run on Friday myself (end of week 6).
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Try inserting two intermediate weeks.

    Walk 5, run 10, walk 3, run 10, walk 5
    Walk 5, run 15, walk 3, run 5, walk 5
    Walk 5, run 20, walk 5.

    C25 is great, but it's not the boss of you!
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm on week 6 right now!

    All I can say is trust the program....I remember thinking the same thing....remember, it's more mental....you can do it!!! Have faith in the program it works!!!! Just jog at a pace that is reasonable for you!

    Totally this! When I saw week 5 coming up, I Googled like mad seeing if it was possible, if others had struggled etc and I read a load of posts that said to trust the programme. You've built up your strength and your stamina enough to be able to do it. Oh yes you have!! Run slooooooowly.....so slow you're almost walking if you have to. I did it, and it is the best feeling of the whole programme. You'll be fine.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    JOG slowly- it's more about moving for the whole time than it is for the distance you cover during that time. I did it, and I did it SLOWLY. Just go slow and steady and you will do great. It is more mental.
    That said, I was so proud of myself for completing that long run, I was in tears (of joy/pride) during the cool down.
  • spampeg
    spampeg Posts: 24 Member
    Been there, done that (last week)... and as a now ex-smoker, and with 80+ pounds to lose, you know what? If I can do it, I bet you can too.

    The entire day I was thinking to myself, "There's no way I can do this. That's a loooong time. I'll just do what I can, and I'll re-do the week until I get it." Not only did I end up running the full 20 minutes, but I ran an extra two minutes to complete a full two mile run. I'm not sure what kind of shape you're in, but running two miles felt absolutely incredible. I haven't done that in 13 years!

    Try not to think about the minutes, or the seconds. Think of your surroundings, trees, roads, sky. Find some really awesome music to get into and lose yourself. Don't keep looking at a clock to see if you're almost done. Most importantly? Pace yourself.

    BTW - almost the same thing happens on week six day three, and I'm looking forward to it. I want that 3 mile mark BAD now.
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks Everyone for all your input and support. I was just looking ahead out of curiousity and it totally freeked me out. Week 5 Day 2 is tomorrow and the big 20 minute run is on Saturday so I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes. I'm going to do my best, but I could not tell you the last time I ever ran that long at one time, so it looks pretty impossible to me right now.
  • So I was looking ahead of the program because I was curious at what the next few runs will be when I was seriously shocked. Yesterday I ran week 5, day 1 and it went like this... Warm up walk for 5 minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Walk 3 Minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Walk 3 minutes, Jog 5 Minutes, Cool down Walk 5 Minutes. So then I looked at Week 5 Day 2, and it said 5 Minute Warm up walk, Jog 8 minutes, Walk 5 minutes, Jog 8 Minutes, Cool down Walk 5 Minutes.. which I am fine with. THEN... Week 5 Day 3 was Warm Up 5 Minute Walk, JOG 20 MINUTES ( DO NOT WALK ), 5 Minute Cool down walk! Like seriously?!? How can you go 8 minute jog to 20.. that does not seem possible. Then I looked ahead at week 6 and it went back down to 8 minute jogs & 10 minute jogs.. which makes so much more sense.

    I know your suppose to just try it but I really don't think I can jog for 20 minutes straight.. I think there jumping ahead of themselves. It's more than just a little intimidating and I was wondering if anyone has currently just done week 5 and it was possible? I know "anything is possible" but I'm ignoring that statement and want to see some facts, like someone telling me they did it when they suck at running as much as i do! Thanks!

    A few years back if someone asked me to run from my bedroom to the living room, I would have laughed (smile). Not any more.

    Believe it or not, crosstraining walking/jogging is excellent training for any run. It helps build up your endurance, give you rhythm and improves your breathing, among other things. I emphatically agree with everyone else: If you're truly following the program, then trust it and have faith in what you're doing. When I approached the week where you went from one day running 8 minutes, then running 20 the next, I gasped, but continued to follow the plan. Afterwards I was amazed at how much energy I had, and I could've easily ran another 5 minutes without stopping. I love to run now and consider myself a true RUNNER!!!! Lol!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Yup, as everyone has said, you'll be amazed at how you can do this. I was horrified when I saw the jump from 8 to 20 and thought I'd never be able to do it, but once you get there and start you'll find that you can. Don't stress about, just go for it :smile:

    Half the battle is mental - as they say, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."

    I finished C25K in July and now run regularly for 40+ minutes and have also joined a running club!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i would love to tell you that i've been there done that, but i don't do day 3 until friday! i'll let you know how it goes! :-) i think it is more mental than physical at this point. believe you can do it, go at a slow pace, and don't give up unless your body tells you otherwise. (tell your mind to shut up!)

    here's what i wrote to a friend who was scheduled to do week 5, day 3 today:

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! this is an encouraging read : http://scarletwords.com/2009/10/25/couch-to-5k-week-5/

    here's what another person said about it, "When I saw [the 20 minute run] the first time, I just about freaked out. It isn't so bad though. Honestly, I find that the first ten minutes of any run are the hardest. After that, I don't know if endorphins kick in or what, but it gets easier after that. I've been told (by people who do not run) that this is impossible and that the second 10 minutes can't possibly be easier than the first, but I've heard from folks who do run that they have experienced it. I found out that if I can run for 10 minutes, I can run for 30. The longest I have ever ran was for one hour, and even on those runs, the first ten minutes was the challenge. You can do it. Give it your best and pace yourself. There's nothing wrong with going slow. "

    someone else had a killer quote from confucius, "He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior." i love it! i think i'll be chanting this come friday!"

    have you joined us in our c25k encouragement group? i can't remember if i've seen you there or not. we've had a few newer gals lately and i don't have the memory i used to! lol. you're right where many of us are now, so if you haven't, feel free... here's the link:


    best of luck! let us know how it goes!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    i would love to tell you that i've been there done that, but i don't do day 3 until friday! i'll let you know how it goes! :-) i think it is more mental than physical at this point. believe you can do it, go at a slow pace, and don't give up unless your body tells you otherwise. (tell your mind to shut up!)

    here's what i wrote to a friend who was scheduled to do week 5, day 3 today:

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! this is an encouraging read : http://scarletwords.com/2009/10/25/couch-to-5k-week-5/

    here's what another person said about it, "When I saw [the 20 minute run] the first time, I just about freaked out. It isn't so bad though. Honestly, I find that the first ten minutes of any run are the hardest. After that, I don't know if endorphins kick in or what, but it gets easier after that. I've been told (by people who do not run) that this is impossible and that the second 10 minutes can't possibly be easier than the first, but I've heard from folks who do run that they have experienced it. I found out that if I can run for 10 minutes, I can run for 30. The longest I have ever ran was for one hour, and even on those runs, the first ten minutes was the challenge. You can do it. Give it your best and pace yourself. There's nothing wrong with going slow. "

    someone else had a killer quote from confucius, "He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior." i love it! i think i'll be chanting this come friday!"

    have you joined us in our c25k encouragement group? i can't remember if i've seen you there or not. we've had a few newer gals lately and i don't have the memory i used to! lol. you're right where many of us are now, so if you haven't, feel free... here's the link:


    best of luck! let us know how it goes!

    thanks girl, i really enjoyed that article! i do week 5 day 2 today so I need to get that out of the way first. but saturday is making me nervous as well.