Help! 'WHY' are you losing weight and what's helping you stick to it?



  • LMBelladonna
    LMBelladonna Posts: 71 Member
    I have been in what feels like an adult-life struggle to lose weight. As I got older, I started looking at overall wellness and at the very least made sure I was moving my body daily; meaning a walk or getting outside with my family.

    Two years ago I had some large life changes; relocation, new, very high stress job, adjusting to the move, etc. and suddenly my whole "wellness" plan disappeared, without me noticing or caring.

    Well, my lax behavior quickly caught up with me. I gained 20 lbs (I was already overweight,) was barely getting 1000 steps a day, used fast food and cocktails for comfort and got enough sleep to get me through the next day. At my most recent physical, I learned that my cholesterol was up.

    This was an old issue that I had in my early 20's (much slimmer, but bad lifestyle habits) to the point where I had my gallbladder removed. Up until this summer, high cholesterol had not been an issue since then.

    With this said, I was like "nope!" I am now in my late 30's with a family and strokes run strong in this bloodline. I had to crack down on myself and say "how much does this life mean to you?" Yes, it will be great to look good in clothing again, but I want to be overall healthy again. The way I was living for the past two years was unacceptable for me. I had let work and unhappiness from it consume me and my quality of life deteriorated to the point that my body is feeling the changes.

    So you ask why I am doing this? I want my health back.
  • ntw250
    ntw250 Posts: 15 Member
    brendog79 wrote: »
    I started because I had poor sleep. I couldn't breathe very good and was told I probably had sleep apnea. I lost the first 20lbs very quickly and a lot of the sleep problems I've had have about vanished. I also tired of being too big to buy clothes. I was wearing 5x and 6x shirts and had just bought a size 52in pant. I was embarrassed to tell people I was a marine when I weighed 380 lbs.

    Good for you sir (and thank you for your service). I know exactly how you feel about the clothes too. Just bought a new T-Shirt from the US Navy (My son serves) Out of the package it looked like a tent, when I out it on, it only just fit. I am finding a new "Why" every day.
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm new to my lifestyle change, only 4 weeks in, but I'm not having very much trouble sticking too it and I think I have enough reasons to make it a lifelong change:

    1. Not creeping up into plus size clothes, and instead getting to wear the half of my wardrobe that fit when I was 60+ pounds lighter.
    2. Getting fit enough to go on more challenging hikes which I and my dogs love, and not being embarrassed when I'm the only one in the hiking group that can't finish the route.
    3. Getting to where I feel proud of my appearance, where I can be happy looking in the mirror and at pictures of myself.
    4. Staving off health issues - I'm pretty sure I was on track for diabetes and joint problems, at the very least.
    5. Enjoying the social benefits that come from being a healthy weight. While ideally the world wouldn't treat you differently based on size, unfortunately it does, and I feel my professional, romantic, platonic, and familial relationships will all be positively effected by losing weight.
  • kfarnworth2785
    kfarnworth2785 Posts: 46 Member
    I've always struggled with weight and eating issues passed down from my mother. I watched her die of heart failure weighing nearly 400 age 63! She never met her grandson and what I watched her go through was truly horrific, long, painful, humiliating. Then I got pregnant and actually get healthy during my pregnancy, lost weight all the way to 165 pounds, looked great! Then in 2014ish I started packing on the weight to my highest ever 263 pounds! Lost 40 and yo-yoed for a while then shot up to 254 in July, found out I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol btw I'm barely 33. Anyway my reasons are both image and health but truthfully it didn't become serious until the reality that I was following my mother's footsteps and was heading for some seriously bad stuff and that my little one is following me. PS I'm down 17 pounds in 38 day's.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    i have tried and failed many times to lose weight. I've made massive goals and never finished them. For me then it was i just want to lose weight. Now though. it's different. I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. im 47 and was watching my blood sugars go up and up. I'm a nurse and have nursed many people with diabetes complications because they haven't looked after their health. i don't want to be one of those people. For me its not about losing weight anymore. It's about being not just alive but alive and healthy. I'm setting small goals. I'm doing between 5-15mins of exercise to begin with because im that out of shape and im logging what i eat. I also visit the message boards regularly looking for people who want buddies to be able to motivate each other and celebrate the successes we have. i have not timeframe for my goals. I am taking it day by day. The only thing im being a bit strict on is my eating habits and staying under my calorie goal. If i feel like exercising on the day i will. Even if it is only 5 mins on my exercise bike. Every bit helps. In the end I just want to see my numbers go back to normal for me. If i lose weight and get healthier on the way then its a win win
  • andrekubista
    andrekubista Posts: 1 Member
    6Z, rr 9999 9666c
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    My sister is obese and has high blood pressure and T2D (along with kidney damage from the HBP).
    My brother was obese and has HBP and T2D (Bro had it under control for awhile, but has let himself go lately).
    My father has COPD (life-time smoker) and is on forced air.

    To be brutally honest about it, I refuse to end up like them where I am dependent on the miracles of modern science to make it thru day-to-day.

    I also want to see my daughter graduate from college, get married, and have children. I was on a path were that was never going to happen, so I jumped off that path. I am down 40+ lbs from where I started (still a ways to go, but getting there). I exercise regularly (bike 5 days a week and stay active on the weekends doing yard work and stuff around the house) and I control my calories. I feel as if I now have the final say in where this path leads and it is the most freeing feeling I have ever enjoyed.
  • deepsea117
    deepsea117 Posts: 30 Member
    I started my journey at 248lbs, 1/7/2019.

    My nephrologist said to get to 185. To be on the transplant list, you have to be under a certain BMI. According to Harvard's BMI chart, 5'11" @ 248 I was at 35. Obese.

    As of 8/20/20, I am at 176lbs. Normal. I've been at around this weight for a few weeks, but I got my 2nd wind, and will finally break 175 (my 3rd goal) next week.

    My goal is survival and a better quality of life. Who wouldn't want to fight for that?

    Also, being alone through most of my journey and life, and still battling the same outside problems that cost me my kidneys, I've been through much more than your average person. Very long story. But the strength I've gotten from knowing what I literally survived and overcame...has given my perseverance and tenacity a will of iron to share the load with.

    I'll still be going at it alone. It's not my choice, but that's life. And I intend to exceed others expectations. Whether it be doing 10 pull-ups after training at 175, or netting a 1000 calorie day on my diary (I'll probably get the Disagrees from the Can't-Do's for saying that 😂 )--I know what's possible. I've already exceeded expectations just by being here. 💪
  • deepsea117
    deepsea117 Posts: 30 Member
    brendog79 wrote: »
    I started because I had poor sleep. I couldn't breathe very good and was told I probably had sleep apnea. I lost the first 20lbs very quickly and a lot of the sleep problems I've had have about vanished. I also tired of being too big to buy clothes. I was wearing 5x and 6x shirts and had just bought a size 52in pant. I was embarrassed to tell people I was a marine when I weighed 380 lbs.

    You still are a Marine. You're adapting and overcoming as we speak. 💪

    And use some humor to help accept where your point A is (340lbs.) "I'm twice the Marine I was!" Just get comfortable with that first. It's a life you'll be leaving. Own that some not-great decisions got you to where you are.

    And understand that you'll make great decisions that will take you to better places. You can do this!

    I like supporting our vets, so if you have any questions or would like to track my progress, please feel free to add me.