I need help regrouping!

What a great summer I had! I was dedicated to MFP and reaping all of the benefits...I lost 13 pounds in about 8 weeks!

Unfortunately, I have "fallen off the wagon" so to speak, in the last two weeks. I've gone back to work, so my schedule is completely different, and with it being the beginning of the year (school year that is) I find myself having trouble making things work with this "back to normal" routine.

I guess I am just looking for some encouragement. I know how dedicated I still am...I am just so disappointed with myself that I am fearful I won't be able to do it anymore!

Thanks MFP community, as always!


  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    You are entirely capable of doing this. Don't let yourself find excuses! Just keep reminding yourself that you can bring this about, and when you do get there, you can look back and say that it was all your own doing.
  • alim10
    alim10 Posts: 67 Member
    Little slips will happen, and that's ok! Now that you've identified it, get back on the wagon and do what you know you need to do! Set a new routine for yourself that fits in with your new schedule; make it easy to follow your plan. Like you said, you have been doing it - you lost 13 pounds - that's amazing!!! Remind yourself how good that felt and get back there! :)
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    Know you can do it! We all run into bumps in the road and fall off the wagon from time to time. All that matters isthat ya get back on it and start goin again! If ya need an accountability buddy and another person to encourage you feel free to add me. All the people out here cheering me on has played a HUGE part in me getting to where i am today! =) Good luck!!! =)
  • medinaet
    Just remember your feelings: being tired, disgusted with yourself, how uncomfortable you felt in your clothes. You know you can do it, so get back on that wagon!!!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    You'll be fine...I did the same thing over the past 2 weeks! Just recognizing that you did what you did and why you did it will help to keep you in check and you should not feel in any way that you failed yourself.
  • Amyding115
    Everyone falls down. But we have to pick ourselves back up. I recently went back to school, still work and play mommy to 2. Planning is your key. In certain situations you can fly by the seat of your pants but with a schedule like yours, the key to success is planning. Not just calorically, but financially as well. Plan your meals, shop ahead of time, and most of all remember why you're doing this and it will all be worth it. Good luck! Add me if you want and we can swap ideas!