24, 306 LBs, Need friends and motivation!

Hey all, I need friends and motivation partners on my journey to lose 150 pounds. I am 24 years old and would like people around my age but anyone is welcome to add me! I will be Weighing myself in about 8 ish hours after I get some sleep because it’s been about a week since I started my diet. I last weighed in at 306 pounds, yikes! I am a type 1 diabetic with celiac disease so if you also have one or both of those I would love to know what kind of food you’re eating too. Thanks for reading my post hope we can motivate each other to be a better version of ourselves!


  • deepsea117
    deepsea117 Posts: 30 Member
    You're on an excellent journey!

    My history: I was 248lbs on 1/7/2019 (earliest I could get weighed for New Year's)

    Right now I'm at 177lbs. My 3rd goal since starting was to hit 175lbs and start training to do pull-ups. I should be at 73lbs total lost before September.

    So I have an idea what you're trying to do. And it will be worth it. The physical changes are just bragging rights; my mental toughness and well-being have both increased even more dramatically.

    I too overcame a lot of health challenges. I'm still fighting other health conditions but I am extremely confident in myself considering what I achieved despite those challenges and conditions.

    Let me know what you'd like to talk about. Hopefully what I learned can help you achieve your goal!
  • SoggyLettuce
    SoggyLettuce Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 22, was about 208lbs at my heaviest and around 192lbs now.
    I've been on and off calorie counting for 6 years but have finally shed some huge negativity from my life and have refreshed my motivation!

    I'm more than happy to add you as a friend for encouragement 😊
  • ccolon3306
    ccolon3306 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey man, Chris,

    I myself am Diabetic, type 2. I also just recently weighed myself at 306, went down to 300 then back up to 309. It's tough. I went however from 382 in highschool to then 328 in 2015 on MFP. I have dealt with Kidney disease as well. Among the them what I am dealing with atm is DDD(Degenerative Disk Disease), lumbar spine protrusions and lumbar arthritis. No cure for it but still not letting it get me down. It's a struggle but I'm learning to love the struggle so I may be able to move on. I'm also 33 turning 34 in October. I just try to watch my eating habits and train, if it hurts then I know it's working. However with the eating I have started to make better choices that honestly even s year ago I would have said no to. I am finding that certain foods I once hated are now quite enjoyable. I had change my thinking. I realized I can eat healthy, all I have to do is season my food sensibly and still enjoy what I like to eat and limit my cheat meals to may once or twice a month, sometimes once every couple months. I still struggle bad with binges but yeah everyone does. Anyway I wrote this story because simply you inspired me bro. We're too young to see ourselves die a slow death of food suicide. #NoQuit_Workout was a motto I used a lot back in 2015. Time to kick into high gear again. Feel free to send a friend request on here. Let's do this, rock out.