


  • I forgot to add that if you do try it, there are no downfalls to signing up as a distributor that I've seen. You're not required to sell a minimum amount of product and you get better discounts the more product you sell. Here, you do have to place a $300 order before you can qualify to be a distributor, but that's not hard to come up with for these products. Once you are a distributor, you get a minimum 25% discount, which helps equal out the crazy shipping costs. If you sell enough, you can work your way up to 50% discount which is what the people that operate their own clubs get to to make any profit.

    We did a cost analysis at work one day. By having a distributor discount of 25%, I was saving a $1 per shake. But that didn't include any extras I had to buy to flavor the shakes beyond the base. If you can deal with the base shakes, save the $1. If you have a club near you, spend the extra dollar a shake to be able to choose from a much wider variety of flavors.

    I also haven't bought anything in close to a year but my distributor account is still active, so it's not like you have to constantly buy the product to keep the 25% discount.
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    all diets work exactly the same caloric deficits
  • all diets work exactly the same caloric deficits

    With the slight caveat that a 1300 calorie diet of all junk foods will make you feel different than a 1300 calorie diet that has well balanced nutrition.

    It's not only about the calories you consume and expend, it's about the quality of what you're putting into your body.
  • gr82run
    gr82run Posts: 48 Member
    Yes, I sell Herbalife and this is not an advertisement. I don't use Herbalife as a "diet". I just use the products as supplements. I am not partial to "drinking" my meals, so I use the shakes more for an exercise recovery drink b/c they have a great balance of nutrients and a good dose of protein for muscle recovery. There are other products out there too if you shop around. I just think the Herbalife shakes taste the best and after having done research, I liked all the good ingredients that went into these.
    To the guy who commented about distributors making comments: well, duh...we know about the products! If you use Kashi cereal, you would qualify to talk about that. :-) Seriously...relax.
  • chica1010
    chica1010 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all I have to say that it works. I have been taking herbalife for 6 months. I lost over 20lbs. I love the product so I became a member. If you have any questions let me know if I can help.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Yes, I sell Herbalife and this is not an advertisement. I don't use Herbalife as a "diet". I just use the products as supplements. I am not partial to "drinking" my meals, so I use the shakes more for an exercise recovery drink b/c they have a great balance of nutrients and a good dose of protein for muscle recovery. There are other products out there too if you shop around. I just think the Herbalife shakes taste the best and after having done research, I liked all the good ingredients that went into these.
    To the guy who commented about distributors making comments: well, duh...we know about the products! If you use Kashi cereal, you would qualify to talk about that. :-) Seriously...relax.
    Do you know if the raw material is imported from China? Betcha didn't and it's made by a third party company. So how could you know if the products aren't compromised with fillers if the company doesn't manufacture and make it's own product? Just because someone uses a product doesn't mean they know how it's manufactured and the politics behind it.

    I go with ON because I KNOW that it's made and manufactured in America and has much better quality and guidelines compared to what comes from China or other countries whose regulations aren't monitored.
  • I tried herbalife years ago. I started losing alittle weight, but my stomach wasn't feeling right so I asked for a refund. Then I was given a partial refund. I was relieved to be free from that product!!

    S.W.234-Sept. 5,2011
    Prior weight 227.4-Sept.12, 2011
    Previous weight 228.9-Sept. 19, 2011
    Current weight 227.4-Sept. 26, 2011
    G.W. 125
  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    hi all.. i just want to throw in my 2 cents.... herbalife WORKED for me! i used it 2 yrs ago after i had already spent 4 months losing 20 lbs and i wanted to lose about 7 more. by that time i was @ 142 and that was small for me. so going below that was feeling like a lost cause. with herbalife i got down to 135.

    sadly, after that i started back working in a demanding job and had no time for exercise, had no support from co-workers or family, there was too much food around me and i gain most of my weight back. i can say for certain i am going back to try herbalife again. to me it's not that expensive as it is cutting out the cost of 2 meals. i don't take the pills with it. i have to total energy for when i need a boost.