Looking for Mom Friends!

Hello! I'm joining MFP probably for the 5th time around but with a different mindset now. I have an almost 3 year old girl and she has opened my eyes to changing my habits and getting fit to try and keep up with her. I'd like to say I'm losing the baby weight but after 3 years i don't think that counts anymore haha.
I'm 5'5 aiming to lose 100lbs and get to 120. So far i've lost 20 so i've still got a long road ahead.
Anyway, i'd like to make some mom friends here to keep staying on track! :)


  • imminatotaro
    imminatotaro Posts: 13 Member
    hi, my name is Imma and I`m mum of 2, big youth now, and lost 10kg , with same mindset, I started in thew end of June, with one challenge of a friend and now is my 3th challenge, nice to meet you
  • Maeshree14
    Maeshree14 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi der I'm a mom with one child I lost 8kg in 2018 went from 68kg to 60kg I didnot lose anymore since I have maintained 🤐I'm bk and gona try again 🌻nice to meet u
  • JJ1703
    JJ1703 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I have 2 little girls - 6 and 3. Youngest starts school this year (eventually) and I'm looking forward to being able to spend sometime recharging my batteries and taking care of myself for a little bit.

    Looking to lose 50lb overall.
  • AMAswilliams
    AMAswilliams Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, just had my first baby girl... still trying to lose the weight and she’s 9 months. Happy to be friends with all, would love the support and accountability! Looking to lose 30 lbs.
  • stillsfan
    stillsfan Posts: 3 Member
    I have 11 year old twins. I put on weight during fertility treatment, pregnancy and then just not dedicating any time to eating right or exercise. Being a sole parent and working full time, I was always looking for fast meals, not healthy ones. I have a goal of 70lbs and have lost 13 since July 18. Long way to go, but seeing progress!
  • vickyw18041985
    vickyw18041985 Posts: 6 Member

    I’m back to lose weight. I lost 5 stone before falling pregnant with my son who’s now 3.5!

    I’m now heavier than when I was 9 months pregnant.

    Looking to lose approximately 4 stone, just started Monday and I’m down 3.2lbs so early days
  • fitbulgy
    fitbulgy Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2020
    Mom of 2-boys here (8 and 4). Just started my fitness journey 2-months ago.
  • lisa_newmum
    lisa_newmum Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2020

    Location: London, UK
    Initially looking to lose 7 stone and then reevaluate.
    Due to health issues, exercise is almost impossible for the time being.

    New mum of a 4 month old boy. I want to be able to run around with him and go adventures with him and his dad.

    I don't want to be the fat mum sat on the bench while they are running off having a great time.

    I also want to be in photographs with him. My husband took pics and I look so disgusting I secretly deleted them. I'm so ashamed.

    Please add and I've left my diary open.

    I'm trying calorie bouncing, high days, low days, keeping my metabolism confused
  • KellieSN
    KellieSN Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm a newish mammy.. My daughter is about to turn 15months. Want to lose 4stone (56lbs) overall, but aiming for 2stone for now. Feel free to add me x
  • chasitystiff9397
    chasitystiff9397 Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me I don’t know how to add but us moms gotta stick together