Hitting a Plateau.....

Good way towards my goals, but feeling like I'm starting to plateau. Started going back to the gym, hitting the weights, and I know this can account for some stagnation on the scale. Just hoping I don't lose motivation and self sabotage out of frustration.

What motivates you to keep going when you hit this wall?


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    If you haven't already recalculate your calories to make sure you are still in a calorie deficit.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,742 Member
    I focus on the process (logging and staying within my calorie goal) and non weight related goals (step count, increasing running speed and distance, lifting heavier weights).
  • MsSmith832019
    MsSmith832019 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! I try not to tie my goals to the scale but I never really seem to notice my progress without it.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Having goals that are not about weight loss, so that the weight loss is a side effect rather than the one-and-only focus.

    Right now I'm looking at my fitness. My daily activity level, getting in my cardio, and doing strength training w/ bodyweight exercises and small weights. I really want to focus more on how my body is shaped rather than the # on the scale.
  • Melly045
    Melly045 Posts: 65 Member
    Although i didn’t realize it at the time being fit and feeling good is everything. I fell off track about two year’s ago and I’m still struggling to get back. Trust me when i tell you no matter how unmotivated you feel right now push through it and keep going. This plateau although disappointing and at time’s un-motivating is nothing compared to falling off track and undoing what you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. This plateau is just another challenge and you’ve got it!!!
  • MsSmith832019
    MsSmith832019 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This is definitely not the first time I've been here. Up and down my whole adult life and on my third major lifestyle change for the better. I know the feeling of falling off the fitness wagon all too well, but you're 100% it's easier to keep going from here than the beginning. Yet again. :)
  • sal10851
    sal10851 Posts: 171 Member
    edited August 2020
    The scale was literally causing me stress and depression! I had been losing weight steadily for 3 months and then I lost nothing for 1 month. I adjusted to the weight that I lost and still nothing for another month. After that I said f*** that it's not working I'm done!!!

    I stopped counting calories, I stopped working out, and I stopped eating healthy. The only thing I stuck to was portion control and home cooked meals. About six weeks later I weighed myself and not only had I lost more weight, my doctor took me off my blood pressure medication.

    I think sometimes we get so caught up on the numbers and we lose focus of our real goal. Mine was to get off the medication and my body knew it was ready but my mind was focused on that damn number. If you know you are eating properly and doing your exercises your body will adjust.
  • steph6556
    steph6556 Posts: 575 Member
    I just came out of a perceived plateau! I was so bummed bc I weighed myself three weekends in a row and had stayed the exact same weight! I was so annoyed but I could see my composition had clearly changed bc my clothes were fitting so much better and I was subconsciously choosing outfits that I had never had the confidence to wear until I “ lost the weight.” I measured myself and sure enough, inches lost on waist and thighs. Do not stop and lose hope. You are always progressing even when the scale doesn’t corroborate the story! Haha. Don’t. Ever. Stop. Moving!!
  • CLT2019BR
    CLT2019BR Posts: 1 Member
    Whenever I hit a plateau, I’ll recalculate my TDEE and adjust my calories accordingly. Also, I’ve found that switching up my lifts/workout split helps me out quite a bit. That and throwing in a few extra days of cardio after lifting.
  • MsSmith832019
    MsSmith832019 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! I do some form of cardio every day. Walks and cycling 1-2 hours and now with the gym open, doing workouts at least 3 days a week. So many great suggestions! I think I'm going to hide the scale for a few weeks and move to measurements!