the BIGGEST liars

i just got the tv guide in the mail and this article was in it. thought i would share.....

the biggest liars...
the sappy musical montages...the clingy new outfits...what's not to love about the last few minutes of the biggest loser, when cameras catch up with the booted contestants at home? so it seemed all was right with the world on feb 25, when latest reject dane patterson was shown triumphantly competing a 26.2 marathon with his wife. alas, it was revealed post-race by other runners that the couple were picked up in a van three miles shy of the end and dropped off at the finish line for filming. shame on the slimy producers and shame on paterson--big fat liars!

this surprised me. shows you can't always believe what you see on tv.


  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i just got the tv guide in the mail and this article was in it. thought i would share.....

    the biggest liars...
    the sappy musical montages...the clingy new outfits...what's not to love about the last few minutes of the biggest loser, when cameras catch up with the booted contestants at home? so it seemed all was right with the world on feb 25, when latest reject dane patterson was shown triumphantly competing a 26.2 marathon with his wife. alas, it was revealed post-race by other runners that the couple were picked up in a van three miles shy of the end and dropped off at the finish line for filming. shame on the slimy producers and shame on paterson--big fat liars!

    this surprised me. shows you can't always believe what you see on tv.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    :noway: That's messed up.
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    just curious how long is a 26.2 marathon?.........maybe the crew was silly and didn't want to them being all sweaty for film
  • lor04311916
    lor04311916 Posts: 109
    suppose they had time limits doesn't mean its all fake tho (crossing my fingers lol )
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    Seriously? Thats tacky!
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    He was on the Today show (i think) yesterday apologizing and explaining why they did that. He was with Jillian.
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I actually wondered about that! I mean common...who looks that amazing after running 26 miles?? Either of them barely had a drop of sweat on them!!! :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I actually wondered about that! I mean common...who looks that amazing after running 26 miles?? Either of them barely had a drop of sweat on them!!! :laugh:

    plus, he still looked a little tubby to have been training/running in a marathon. :huh:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    He was driven the last 3 miles by a producer so they could get the "money" shot of him crossing the finish line. They did this because marathon officials were packing up- it was over 6 hours after the start. NOT Dane's decision. He did go back and run those last 3 miles right after the shot! Dane should not have to justify this- the producers should be the one's on camera, shame-faced, explaining their decision!!! Why didn't they just ask the officials to wait for Dane?

    ANYONE running a full marathon should be admired, not vilified.
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    He was on the Today show (i think) yesterday apologizing and explaining why they did that. He was with Jillian.

    Aw, I wish I'd seen that. So was that their excuse? Not wanting to be all sweaty and having his wife look, gee, I don't know....not perfect! lol
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    That's still 23 miles, right? I couldn't do that. Impressive. Why not just ell the truth?
  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    I worked on a weight loss show once, a lot of it HAS to be staged. You have to realize the producers/broadcasters only worry about the final product and how much it costs. Although a lot of it really is real, if you ask me they wanted a shorter shooting day for the crew, or wanted the final part of the run to have enough sunlight etc. It's deceiving, but looks good on TV right?
  • IUChelle423
    IUChelle423 Posts: 197
    The show as a whole has deteriorated in my opinion. Is anyone else bothered by the shameless advertisements they do WITHIN the show now? They set it up so it looks like someone was cooking a meal without veggies so they can plug the steam and serve veggies by x brand or it's no longer "chewing sugar free gum can help with cravings", it's now "Chew Extra Sugar Free Gum" and they make a big deal of showing the packaging.

    It makes me think nearly the whole thing is fake. I almost wonder if they pre-weigh contestants to put them in the most "shocking" order for TV. It just doesn't seem real anymore. (Not that losing 10 pounds in a week was ever realistic).
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    He was driven the last 3 miles by a producer so they could get the "money" shot of him crossing the finish line. They did this because marathon officials were packing up- it was over 6 hours after the start. NOT Dane's decision. He did go back and run those last 3 miles right after the shot! Dane should not have to justify this- the producers should be the one's on camera, shame-faced, explaining their decision!!! Why didn't they just ask the officials to wait for Dane?

    ANYONE running a full marathon should be admired, not vilified.

    good for him to go back and run it. i know it's all about what looks good on tv and what makes a show. the tv guide article should have said this. on one of jillians podcast she said they weigh in the morning of the weigh in day, and are not told what they weigh until they do the filming that night. those aren't real scales.
  • sweetapplepi
    Since we don't know all the details behind the article, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions?
    How reliable is the TV guide as a source of information?
    There will always be people who don't like The Biggest Loser, despite the fact that it helps to motivate an obese society to change. During interviews, Bob and Jillian will be the first to admit that 2 hours is not enough to show what life is like for the contestants on and off the ranch.
  • sweetapplepi
    He was driven the last 3 miles by a producer so they could get the "money" shot of him crossing the finish line. They did this because marathon officials were packing up- it was over 6 hours after the start. NOT Dane's decision. He did go back and run those last 3 miles right after the shot! Dane should not have to justify this- the producers should be the one's on camera, shame-faced, explaining their decision!!! Why didn't they just ask the officials to wait for Dane?

    ANYONE running a full marathon should be admired, not vilified.

    I totally agree with you!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    You are right!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I checked youtube to see if there was a video of Dane on Today Show. Didn't find anything. I kind of want to see that. I did notice the clock in the background, and that it was close to 6 hours. And most marathons do shut down at 6 hour mark. I guess that is just how reality TV works.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    :angry: I am sick of TV!

    Between stuff like this and The Bachelor, I may boycott "reality TV" and just stick to Drama and sitcoms!!! :explode:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I don't care whether or not he ran the whole thing. I find BL to be very motivating. I need to see people my size working out, trying to be healthier. Whenever I start to sweat on my 30 minute routine, I think of those folks with the pressure of national TV weigh ins & Jillian yelling at them 6 hrs each day!
    Then I just get over myself.
    If they can do it, so can I.