Things that make you say uuuuuughhhhhh



  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    People who leave their pets in a car when its hot outside.

    Or worse yet, parents who still leave their children in a hot car while they shop..We had this happen at our store one day and called the cops. We didn't see who had parked there so we didn't know she was in our store when they came by. She ran out to her car when she saw the police pull into the lot and sat there playing with the baby until they passed her. She got back out, left the baby in the car again :explode: and went to another store.
    The police did catch up to her and we never found out what happened after that. That pisses me off when parents do that!:angry:
  • People who who feel it is nesscessary to chew their gum loudly
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    People that eat and drive. People that text and drive. People that do pretty much anything but focus while driving. People on THIS website of all places, that blatantly make fun of another user for the way their body looks (just saw that one happen.)
  • when people (home and work) scold me for "starving" myself, while they stuff cheeseburgers and desserts in their mouths.

    ^^ That. Exactly. That happens to me every single day!! Rawrr! :P
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    People that eat and drive. People that text and drive. People that do pretty much anything but focus while driving. People on THIS website of all places, that blatantly make fun of another user for the way their body looks (just saw that one happen.)

    You have to be kidding.
    Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a supportive environment? What asshats.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    People using their cell phone while on the toilet.

    People who sit at their desks at work and clip their fingernails. I hate the noise.

    People who wipe down their machine at the gym using their own sweaty towel.

    At the risk of beginning to sound shallow, I'll stop there!
  • ksm1026
    ksm1026 Posts: 8 Member
    reality TV
  • Protein Shakes. Can feel the gag reflex getting ready.

    i've always loved the taste of protein/weight loss shakes, i don't know why :D

    my uuuuughghghgh- people who think it's ok to randomly comment on how big i am. no ****, guys, THANKS FOR INFORMING ME

    (i understand if people are worried about my weight/health and i accept that, but i really don't need to be reminded of something i'm constantly aware of in completely unhelpful ways)
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    People who ignore the massive construction signs indicating their lane is ending, cut you off and then give you the hairy eyeball as though you are totally at fault for them being stupid.

    Banks that shut off your ATM card with no warning leaving you totally embarrassed at whatever store you happen to be at trying in vain to pay.