My 200 Pound Weight Loss Introduction! <3

"Although food will never put you down, it can sure weight you down." :ohwell:

Welcome to my Introduction to weight loss part 2. My name is Kristen and I’ve been a foodoholic for the past few years. Before I ever experienced myself being overweight, I would look around at heavy people and think, “How can losing weight be SO hard? I mean all you have to do is stay disciplined, eat less, and be a little more active. Duh!”

Obviously I had no idea what I was thinking because now that I’m in their shoes, I quickly learned that losing weight isn’t that simple! If it were, there wouldn’t be such a huge obesity problem in America. Being overweight has been one of my biggest battles the past few years. I feel like I’ve been judged, disrespected, and unworthy because of it. I don’t understand why though? I shouldn’t have to be skinny to feel I’m worth somebody’s time and to be accepted.

There are thousands of so called “diet and weight loss plans” going around that promises results quickly and easily. However, I hear that most of them fall through for a lot of people. I’m tired of feeling like a failure and want to prove to everyone that I can do this! I’ve done enough research to have knowledge on weight loss and the motivation. I also have a great boyfriend along with a few select friends and family that has been very supportive. All I can say is that I believe in myself and in God that I can accomplish my goals and be healthy again. I appreciate those who have been praying for me.

Thanks for reading my thoughts and expect plenty more. =)

-Kristen :heart:


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Good Luck to you! Sounds like you're on the right track!
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    You've come to the right place! Welcome! :D
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome to the club! :) You'll do great!
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    :) Very well said... And some how saying Good luck..*shakes head* I dont think will cut it.

    Im sure there will be a few ups and downs on the path to a changed you :)

    Well done.... :)

    And nothing wrong with a foodoholic - its learning to enjoy all and knowing when enough is enough. Well that is my way of thinking :)

    Welcome aboard... :)
  • sherrylhoward
    sherrylhoward Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome!! Good Luck!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    Making the decision to change your lifestyle is half the battle. On this site you'll find a lot of support and friends to help you along the journey.

    Welcome to the MFP family!

  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome aboard and we are here to support you on your journey just as now that you are a member we need your support too! Glad you are here.
  • karene327
    I'm so proud of you dear! :happy:
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Good luck with your journey. I know you can do this & this site will be a great help if you utilize it. I realize it's a long journey ahead, but stay focused & you can do it.