New here! :)

Hey everyone! Just letting you know I am new here and lacking friends! Please don't be a stanger, say hi!



  • Hi :) lol.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Hello! :glasses:
  • I too am here lacking friends and could really use the support haha :) I'll be happy to add you
  • Hey! I'm needing some friends on here! :)
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Jessica and welcome
  • Hi this website is amazing and youll love it! :)

    Join our weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
  • Welcome and best of luck on your journey!!!
  • hey im new so lets do this .keep thepositive thoughs going :happy:
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    Hey! Thank you all for responding!
  • Hi, I'm new here too! Would be happy to make new friends.
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    I came here from a site I will not name but, most of the people on there were quite rude and no one really supported you on there! Heres hoping this is different! Its the first day and I adore it already!
  • Hi! I'm new-ish and also would like more friends...good luck!
  • Good bye my friend, We have been through many tear lots of fears. many joys and great sadness, lots of lonely nights when there wasnt a friend to be found. But there you were holding my hand through it all. You never complained how late it was or how early when I came calling . you excepted me in ways no one could ever understand. You were always there and the one thing i could always depend on. You never disappointed me you were never late, always on time not matter when I called upon you. But my friend its time to say good bye. Were no good together I need you to much and thats not healthy for me. I need to be strong and not depend on you so much. As much as I love you i must carry on with out you. please forgive me and set me free so I can be the person I need to be THIN
    3 minutes ago · Comment

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  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Hi feel free to add me I love giving, and recieving support :)) I think we all need as much as we can get! Good Luck in your journey.