Back on track after a long time.

lia1979 Posts: 1 Member
Working in health care during a pandemic its challenging.It was time for me to get it together and start taking care my self too...
Need to lose 40lbs.


  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    I'm also back on track about a week ago with somewhere around 40lb to lose.... I might be done earlier but really not sure!

    I hope things are calming down for you at work now. Happy to connect and support each other keep on track?

    Have a great weekend!
  • dhcurtis22
    dhcurtis22 Posts: 13 Member
    I too am in the Heath Care field (Rad Tech).....lots of sweets brought in as a "here thanks" not to mention door dash and others...luckily live where I can go out and least until winter and cold weather comes to visit
  • TaraLynn1974
    TaraLynn1974 Posts: 14 Member
    Recently back myself! Also have about 40 to lose!
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @lia1979 Much thanks for your service...being on or anywhere near the front lines during this medical crisis. You sound determined, Lia.
  • Mazgaz71
    Mazgaz71 Posts: 1 Member
    Im back on track too, this working from home since March due to the Pandemic has not done me any favours in the weight department. Hoping to shift about 30kg before the end of the year. Good luck all!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Hows everyone getting on?

    I worked from home today and am going to try and do it as little as possible......

    Steps way down, urge to snack way up...... evening way less zen without that 'getting home' feeling.

    Generally I'm logging and keeping with cals and staying on track with my exercise.... hope I can keep it up!
    Hugs to all!
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