Bells Palsy

Just thought I'd start a thread on Bell's Palsy.

I am 25 and got Bell's Palsy the day after Thanksgiving last year and had it until March 2011. Awful expeirence. I lost all movement, feeling, taste, etc in the left side of my face and couldn't shut my eye, chew, smile, taste, cry, NOTHING on that side. I was embarrassed. I was single and going out with friends was common to clubs, etc and it became a habit to cover my mouth when I'd smile.

I'm a camara HOG but stopped taking pics and haven't really gotten back into the habit of taking them. My face drooped a little. It was definitely noticable but it's, in my opinion, about 95% back to normal. I still have twitches in my left side of my face and it if put pressure on my face or left side of lips it feels bruised still.

That's how I'd describe it while I had it. Bruised. Like someone punched me. And, it was my bone that hurt since I couldn't even feel anything otherwise.

I knew something was wrong when I was drinking a sweet tea from McDonald's and it was nasty and felt weird on my tongue. I was mad at McDonald's for having a nasty batch of tea. lol By midnight that night my roommate and I were looking at my face in the mirror and because my left side was drooping already and felt "tight" I thought it was my right side that was messed up because I didn't know what BP was, yet. I thought my right side was swollen or something. She made so much fun of my face. lol It's funny now. But, I went to bed and woke up the next morning at 6am crying and freaking out because I couldn't feel a thing.

I called my sister and went to her house. My Mom freaked out thinking I was having a stroke so she called my paramedic Uncle and he said rush her to the ER NOW! We had already googled what was going on with me and figured it was BP but wanted to be sure. I got to the ER and they rushed me in a wheelchair back to the "OMG THIS IS AN EMERGENCY" section and hooked me up to heart monitor and all kinds of stuff.

20 minutes later a very attractive doctor made me smile and blink (which I couldn' embarrassing..). He said "You've already googled it I'm sure?" lol He verified that it was BP and put me on steroids and Acyclovir. I thought for sure it'd be gone soon but it lasted a good 4-5 months. I just knew it wouldn't go away.

While I had it in the beginning I couldn't eat or drink without drooling. I had to teach myself how to eat with it and had to use a straw but hold my lips closed to even use that! I cried for the first couple weeks cause I had to use an eye patch cause I couldn't close my left eye at night to sleep. I couldn't read, get online, watch tv, play on cell phone or anything that involved focusing cause I got a headache. So, I'd cry...outta my right eye. "/

I am normal today but I can tell my smile isn't back to normal 100%. I mean, you wouldn't know unless I told you but it goes back farther on the right side then the left and my right eye closes more than the left when I smile big. Boo. But, I'm slowly getting back to normal and hoping it heals 100%!

Thought I'd share my story for anyone who has it or knows someone who has/had it. It'll either go away and your face will get back to normal and if it doesn't I promise you you're still beautiful! I have learned to deal with my "crooked" smile and "not shut all the way during smiles" eye! It's not bad, I know, but I was use to a different face for 24 years.

Bells Palsy sucks!


  • GaryAlbone
    ive had it too, add me as a friend if you like.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Oh that sounds tramatic. I worked with a girl back in the late 80's happened to her while we were at work it was pretty scary stuff until we knew what it was. I'm glad you are feeling better now
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    My daughter has had it twice, once she was only like 9 and I absolutely freaked out. The 2nd time was recently, just a couple years ago and we both knew what it was - neither time did symptoms last 4 or 5 months, tho it doesn't go away over night.
    Perhaps (if you can) consult a physical therapist? they might give you some exercises that will help.

    Good luck & I'm sure you'll be fine

    'mom' lol
  • olso2255
    I couldn't imagine! I am in graduate school for opera, and singing is my career. I would be so devestated. I would literally be out of work, would have to drop out of school for the semester/year. Everything I do require facial nerve response.

    My mother had it when I was younger, and I remember how horrible it was. I'm glad that you have recovered!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks for sharing my aunt had it while she was pregnant and she regained most of her function but there is still a little droop to one side of her smile. Glad you are working on overcoming this and it wasn't as serious as a stroke.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    Thanks :) Yeah, I forgot about the speech problem. I was made fun of so much by friends and family but I knew it was tough love. lol

    I couldn't say some words. If it started with an F, B, basically any word that you had to use your lips to say-forget it. lol

    I can remember asking for stuff at like stores, restaurants and it never failed, the person I'd be talking to would say you want "blah blah and what?" Of course "what" was the word I couldn't say and I'd have to repeat. Gimme a break. lol

    Glad everyone is okay that has had it. Guess it's nothing too tramatic. You can live with it but if you haven't had it-it sucks.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I had a mild case when I was 17 and was lucky to have weekly physiotherapy sessions and daily exercises that helped it along. As far as I can tell, there were no permanent sequels. It lasted a few months at most.