Running and TOM

I nam training for a 5k in October. And I have managed to run 5k like three or four times without stopping. One of those times was last week. Yesterday I tried and got half way through and got one of those muscle cramps in my stomach and had to walk the rest of the way. Tried again today and it was the same thing. Really frustrated. I do drink gatorade and stay hydrated warm up. But the one difference is Tom is visiting,. Could that be why I cant do it? Anyone else have any issues like that?


  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I nam training for a 5k in October. And I have managed to run 5k like three or four times without stopping. One of those times was last week. Yesterday I tried and got half way through and got one of those muscle cramps in my stomach and had to walk the rest of the way. Tried again today and it was the same thing. Really frustrated. I do drink gatorade and stay hydrated warm up. But the one difference is Tom is visiting,. Could that be why I cant do it? Anyone else have any issues like that?

    Sometimes I get cramps in my knee, and I find that if I just run through it, the pain subsides. Have you tried that?
  • Lemonaiding
    Lemonaiding Posts: 78 Member
    I find running to help with side effects from my TOM. I am going through it right now and if it weren't for the running I would be in a lot more pain. You want to stay hydrated but don't drink too much before your run because the movement from the fluids in your stomach could be causing you pain. Plus it helps if what you are drinking is room temperature. It will be absorbed more quickly that way.
  • allybub
    i had stomic like stiches for a cople of weeks after i had been running / jogging for about a month or so, not sure it its a stage of getting fit. to get ride of the stitch which was very painfull i read that you had to in hale and exhale realy hard through pursed lips sounds crazy dut it did help. i just walked for a bit then ran again when it had passed, i kept at it and it did pass i dont get it all any more. i also found that it i started thinking about my breathing rather than breathing naturally this brought it on more. Not sure if this is the same but good luke with the 5k