Help Me! Help Me!

Hi Everyone
My name is Amy and I am so disappointed in myself because I have tried so many weight loss plans with limited success. I feel some of you can relate to my struggle. I am adjusting my goals and altitude toward being a healthy person. I am making small goals for weight loss instead of expecting a lot. Please give me encouragement and your suggestions.


  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Amy! I've definitely been there. My advice is to look at where you are, accept it, forgive yourself, and move forward with your goals. Celebrate every pound that you lose as if it were your first time losing it.

    I say that as someone who has often gotten tangled in disappointment feeling guilty for my failure and dwelling on old numbers on the scale or how fit I used to be. That is just not helpful for my mind. I would rather be excited that I get to go on this hard journey and how fun it is to get stronger, healthier, and see the number go down.