1200 calories...who's with me?

Heya guys!

Myfitnesspal says i have a 1200 a day calorie intake, does anyone else on this intake have any recipes/daily examples for me? I'm afraid that I will stick to the same eating pattern everyday to avoid going over and then get board of it and fail!

Who's with me?



  • cervenec
    I try to stick to 1200 cals/day, and the way I do it is figure out what I want and portion it to fit in. I've had to eat a lot healthier so I don't blow all my cals on one meal. I find myself eating lots of different combinations of fruit/veggies haha
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You can add me as a friend and look at my diary. I am on a 1200 a day calorie intake.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I get 1200 calories a day, but if I didn't exercise I would definitely go over every day! Feel free to look at my diary. I don't always eat the most nutitious items, but I try.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I am on 1200. My diary is friends only but you are welcome to add me. I am by no means perfect but it seems to be working. :happy:
  • mlcastillo_2
    hello- ive been doing the 1200 calorie thing for over a year now. i try to break down my meals into 250-300 cals breakfast consists usually of cereal, oatmeal, hard boiled egg and toast and other simple stuff. lunch ranges from salads, soups or dinner leftovers. i guess the trick is to add alot of veggies and fruits, snack on stuff like that. i guess for the ocassional sweet tooth its good to have those 100 calorie packs- theyre satisfying. good luck!!!
  • chandlera07
    chandlera07 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello!! I am on the same intake!! I have found what works best for me is to portion each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) to be as close to 400 calories as possible. That was those 3 meals equal 1200 calories... so, the exercise I do throughout the day is actually like working for snacks. So, the more you work out, the more yummy snacks you can have. This may not work for everyone, but it works GREAT for me. :) Good luck!

    Oh, and if you want some meal ideas, add me and check out my diaries. So yummy. I never starve.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You're not really limited to 1200 calories. Every time you exercise you get more. It is so rad! I was hungry all day so I kept eating. That's my metabolism going to town because of yesterday's exercise. So I ate all day to stay ahead of the hunger, was lowish on calories left, went for an awesome run and then had a bunch of calories for a good dinner.

    Consider lean protein and a complex carb in every meal, eating every 3to4hours. Add lots of veggies to at least 2 meals. If you keep portion sizes to the size of your fist you should be fine. I use protein bars and shakes once or twice a day and stay in on my goals.
  • mistbrown
    mistbrown Posts: 18 Member
    That is the number I have too. I stick with it mostly, but let myself enjoy some of the calories earned from exercise. I have found I plateau if I stick with 1200 too many days in a row. I definitely give myself one really bad cheat day once every 10-14 days. As for daily examples, I do Kellog's low fat nutrigrain waffles for breakfast, have a piece of fruit around 10 am, eat a frozen meal for lunch (usally a smart one), have some vegetables (baby carrots, celery stuffed with 1 triangle of light laughing cow cheese, tomatoes, etc.) and another piece of fruit in the afternoon, and then I eat almost whatever I want for dinner. I try to stick wtih a protein, more veggies, and more fruit. I know it can be boring, but eating different fruit and veggies helps. You can actually eat quite a bit if you keep out the bread, pasta, and rice. No one gets fat off fruit and veggies. Good luck!
  • fabulousfebe
    I'm doing a 1200 calorie diet and have lost about 12 lbs in the last 2 months... recently, I've started Slim-Fast which helps me keep my calorie intatke down in the morning...for example a chocolate shake is 190 calories...then I do a shake at lunch...for snacks I eat fruit, yogurt, or something like that...then for dinner, I make sure I don't go over my calories for the day....and with my exercise if there is a "net" calories... I don't pay any attention to that sometimes...because I look at total calories for the day...sometimes I eat back a few of my exercise calories...just to throw my body off a little.. best wishes.. to ya!:drinker:
  • myscheer
    Im 1200 calories a day too (sometimes i eat a few more - if exercising more, eg over 500calorie work out)

    i eat for breakfast either
    - 45grams of cereal with 250ml of skim milk
    - 1 wholegrain english muffin with vegemite or lite peanut butter
    - 250ml of skim milk, banana, 4-5 strawberries (optional) and 1 tbs of chocolate powder or a shake to give it flavour!

    lunch i eat
    - 4 premium crackers with 1 or 2 laughing cow cheeses, tomato and tuna with pepper & salt
    - ham & salad sandwich on wholemeal bread
    - brown rice (1/2 cup) small can of tuna, and small can of corn - mix it all together
    (if im doing a big personal training exercise that night, i may have left overs, eg.. spaghetti bol or something with pasta

    - 100gm of lean meat (porterhouse steak, chicken breast, salmon) with steamed cabbage, corn, zucchini and brocoli with a small bit of lite grated cheese on the greens, or 2 tbs of gravy (not many calories)
    - small bowl of spaghetti bol or pasta with herb chicken (grilled)
    - homemade chicken parmy (grilled chicken, with tomato paste and lite cheese under the grill
    - bbq meats - with charcoaled vegetables
    - a shake (if im out of time)
    - bruscetta (tomato, basil, lite cheese - if need)
    - quorn sheperds pie (vegetarian pie) only 200 calories per serve - normally i can only eat half at a time, so only 100 calories!
    - roast chicken or pork with vegies :)

    hope this helps. i know what you mean about getting bored, at the start i was too! motivation is what we need :)
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    Im on 1260 and today is my first day. I have littlerally been looking at it all day thinking to myself, "maybe I should just go to the gym real quick and spend like a half hour on the eliptical so I can get some more calories." well, I have a 13 month old that I obviously cant leave and by just looking at this all day, I've managed to save 760 calories for dinner. lol. So, maybe it wont be so bad. My husband wants subway for dinner but im also in a detox period right now so im going to have to figure out how to get 760 calories that fits into a detox program.
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    It's pretty easy to stick to I reckon! (Well I'm used to it now so I find it's plenty of food!)

    I tend to have three meals a day of 300 calories (or thereabouts) and around 300 calories worth of snacks (give or take). I never get bored - there's so much good food available! I'll usually have porridge, yogurt or an up & go for breakfast. Fruit, nuts, hummus or cappuccinos for a snack, sometimes dark chocolate. Lunch is generally a sandwich, wrap, microwave meal, or leftovers and dinner is whatever - usually a stir fry, pasta, curry, steak - generally have some meat and veges!

    Good luck with it all!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    i love love love broccoli so id say i eat broccoli for lunch easily 6 days a week...big ol bowl of it and a 50 cal cheese stick. Egg beaters are good for the morning too ive found...low cal and filling. you can so do this!!

    exercising really does help though!!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    That is a pretty common allotment for most of us starting out- I just Upped mine by 100 more calories since I'm ALMOST to my goal- but I'm still eating about the same things- just a little bit more.

    ONE of the best ways to get some good ideas is to peruse people's diaries that they've opened to the public-
    that's how I got some ideas for different types of snacks/breakfasts.

    Nonfat plain yogurt sweetened w/ Truvia/vanilla, Light string cheese, Laughing Cow light cheese wedges ( in place of cheese/mayo on sandwiches) , Egg Beaters,
    Light English muffins, Special K cracker chips, Fiber Plus bars are just some of the goodies I've adopted as my food stuffs.
  • evandmegsmom
    evandmegsmom Posts: 88 Member
    bump to my topics thanks
  • LisaMariaCallow
    You can still eat alot on 1200 calories. I've been doing that for 6 months, I can go up to 1470 as I'm now in maintainence mode, but I'm still eating about 1200/day. Keep your 3 meals about 300 calories, plus 2 snacks at 100-150 calories.

    Good luck!! Friend me if you need a buddy! Then look at my food diary for ideas!

    A few examples of what I eat:
    B-fast is an Arnolds multi grain sandwich thin, toasted with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese and 6 sliced strawberries-less than 200 cals
    My mid-morning snack is Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt & either a piece of fruit or 100 calorie almonds
    Lunch is salad with chicken (love Chick-fil-a!!)
    Dinner is lean protein & veggies
    Hope this helps!
  • capNramsey
    capNramsey Posts: 35 Member
    I am at 1260 calories. The easiest for me is keep my meals at 200-300 calories and watch my snacking. I highly recommend the Hungry Girl Cookbooks (200 Meals under 200 calories and 300 Meals under 300 calories). Also for side dishes and snacks eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I've been off a bit lately, but you can look at my diary (I think I set it to public view). I had some trips and didn't log for a while, but you can scroll through until you find something. I used to exercise more and that helped with eating more, but recently an injury has set me back so I am really learning to manage the diet without exercise.
  • xunsungxherox
    i am on a 1200 net calorie diet that i have been trying to stick to. not because mfp told me to but because i feel that i have enough energy to get through the day with it and im not having problems with my runs. I normally have my breakfast 200-300 cals. A small lunch maybe a tin of tuna or something max of 200 cals. Then a big dinner between 600-700 cals.

    My run each day tends to burn between 500-600 cals. This is normally the difference that i use for snacking but i make sure that i am keeping to healthy snacks and not overloading my body with crap.

    I find it quite easy to keep my calories to a 1200 net when i am exercising however i dont think i could do it without the extra 500-600 that i earn from exercise each day.

    I wish you luck!
  • dawnthomas5
    I am on a 1200 calorie intake. Feel free to add me and check out my diary.

    What works for me is that I keep my calories to a minimum earlier in the day. Between breakfast and lunch I try not to exceed 400cal. I know how I am and I know that I like to eat a heavier dinner and oftentimes I crave something sweet at night. I generally eat so light early in the day that I have 300-400 left over after dinner for a treat. I usually break it up into a couple of snacks and like to give myself something healthy like fruit and something special like 3/4 of a cup of ice cream.
  • YepLilly
    YepLilly Posts: 129 Member
    I just joined, but I'm around 1200-1300 :smile: