I have the Welcome Back Kotter theme song in my head

Hi everyone!

I joined MFP almost two years ago and let it go by the wayside after a few weeks... it was working, but I was LAZY and didn't keep my journal and all that gear.

Since that time, I've had a heap of life changes, new job, new house, new state (moved from Queensland to Tasmania) but one thing has stayed the same - my dissatisfaction with my weight.

As I'm getting older, it's affecting my health. Starting roller derby training this year in an effort to meet people and have fun in my new surrounds I have a new motivation to get fit, healthy and STRONG.

So, I'm back... *clap* and I'm determined to see this through. I have set my short, mid and long term goals. I work out at home in the mornings and hit the gym after work. I'm going to admit when I misstep, I'm going to make myself accountable by not making this a secret, I WILL look and feel amazing.

Happy to be friends with anyone on here as I can already tell from the posts I have read and contributed to that the encouragement from people across the globe who are going through the same things is an integral part of the success of MFP and those who sail in her.

:) Shan


  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi Shan:) I haven't heard that song in forever....could be worse songs stuck in your head lol. Feel free to add me if you like for encouragement. I've been here almost all year long and I'm not at my goal yet but getting closer everyday. Welcome back!
  • cathak
    Hi, I'm from Canberra & am working on the new Cotter Dam project ... which I have as my ring tone on my phone lol.
    So ... Welcome Back, welcome back, welcome back.
    Please add me as a friend as its so great to have support & encouragement.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome Back! Glad that your dreams have remained and they're turned around! Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya) back here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)?


    (I love that song!)

    Good health, good happiness and good times to ya now that you are home again!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    So glad to have you back! You can do this, stick with us:)
  • I am going to be humming that song the rest of the day(Love It) Anyway, pick yourself up dust yourself off and start back over again, but make sure you add a few friends, everyone can use some encouragement...I'm available.
  • queennahs
    queennahs Posts: 33 Member
    LOL!! :) You guys are awesome.
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    Good Luck from Alberta, Canada! Starting out is the hardest part so you have made the first step. i'm just starting back too, so add me and we can push each other!