Wha'ts so wrong with cheese???

JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!

I am working with a personal trainer and EVERY time I mention I've had cheese she FREAKS!!! Her standard line is that cheese is "80% fat"...how is it possible??? Is it even true? And honestly, if I'm within my calories and under my daily fat "goal" is it REALLY that bad to have a bit of cheese on my tacos or a sprinkle of parmesan on my pasta???



  • My bootcamp trainer told me the same thing. I don't think there's anything wrong with cheese in moderation. I have a little in my eggs sometimes. I told him that as long as I stay under my calories and work out, then I'm not giving it up completely.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Some cheeses are high in sodium, which can cause you to retain water.

    If you're eating cheese from grass fed beef, it's a healthy fat to have in your diet!

    If you're under your fat goal and calorie goal, I wouldn't worry about it. I eat cheese a few times a week, I love the stuff. And I personally need a little extra fat to feel full. And remember fat alone doesn't make you fat. Foods high in fat are high in calories, so when eating in excess can be a factor in weight gain. But if you're under your calorie goal and under your fat goal, I wouldn't worry about it. I'd just stop talking to your trainer about it. LOL

    God bless!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    ETA: to answer your question - nothing! Cheese is awesome! :)

    Granted, cheese does have a ton of fat but it's also a good source of protein. How about switching to low fat? I know fat free cheeses are disgusting but I use a lot of the 2% cheese blends in recipes - they not only melt normally but have a good flavor.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Cheese is goooooooooooooooood - and probably accounts for half of the extra weight I'm hauling around!

    I can't give it up completely so I'm going for moderation - I have half an ounce or so most days if I have the calories for it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    So glad i dont like, and have never liked, any form of cheese! It's one less thing id have to cut down on!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    BTW nothing is wrong with fat, in fact everyone should get a certain amount of fat daily including saturated fat

    Siri-Tarin­o, PW; Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM (2010). "Meta-anal­ysis of prospectiv­e cohort studies evaluating the associatio­n of saturated fat with cardiovasc­ular disease.". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


    A meta-analy­sis of prospectiv­e epidemiolo­gic studies showed that there is no significan­t evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. "
  • I'm a huge fan of cheese too. I went vegetarian about 9 months ago and of course started replacing my meat with a lot more cheese. Now I'm trying to cut back also so that I don't have so much of it all the time. I tried this recipe out for "homemade" cheese. It's really delicious and a healthy alternative to regular store bought processed cheese. It also works well with pasta,rice, hamburger (I cook for the rest of my family and leave the hamburger part out) and you can use 1/2 cup of it with it being only around 50 calories. I only use half of the amount of garlic powder though that it calls for.

  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    thanks everyone! you've pretty much confirmed what I thought, I've really cut back on the amount of cheese I eat, especially the processed Kraft cheese slices which are loaded with sodium. I do use park-skim mozzerella a lot and i have been trying low-fat goat's milk cheese cuz I find with the more pungent flavour I don't need to use as much to be able to taste it. thanks again!!!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Cheese can be fatty - I have moved myself to low fat cheese and don't miss full fat cheese now.

    It also needs to be eaten in moderation - and 30g cheese is a lot less than what you think!

    But it is a great source of complete protein and calcium, if eaten sparingly. I have some every day - c. 30g of low fat tasty cheese - on my lunches at work.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I eat cheese EVERY SINGLE day. Love it.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I eat cheese EVERY SINGLE day. Love it.

    me too....Mel:heart:'s her some cheese!!!
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Just an FYI...swiss is very low in sodium!
  • Nothing is wrong with cheese. I trade my carbs for cheese!!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I eat cheese EVERY SINGLE day. Love it.

    me too....Mel:heart:'s her some cheese!!!

    Me 3. . .love my cheese. . just eat low cal or eat less. . . cheese is GOUDA!!!
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I eat cheese and milk like every day. I could only aspire to be a vegan....and even then it would be difficult.
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with cheese, and there are healthier varieties of it as well. As long as you eat it in moderation, and keep track of it in your food journal, I'm sure you'll be fine. After all, you have to eat what you like.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    One thing you do have to remember about cheese though is that it is constipating. So have it in moderation.
  • I LOVE CHEESE! However, my ballerina, twig of friend, who never had a fat day in her life has a problem with dairy products, and mentioned that I shouldn't eat as much cheese as I do :( Something about humans are the only animals who drink milk after infancy, or something to that effect. Anyway, I love cheese, and will only eat it in moderation now. :(
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Just watched a documentary that says dairy is not good. Humans do not need to consume cows milk, plus they said that it can actually leach calcium from our bones in spite of whats commonly understood by most of the country. Just watched it on Netflix. Called "fork over knife" . Good program, good information, very controversial.
  • That's probably what my ballerina friend was talking about. Thanks, dwarfer22! I'm going to have to watch that.
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